Spotlight On...
By Susi (SugarBuzz Germany)
Hi there Desensitised,
it’s cool to have a band from the Netherlands for an interview. So let us start the action...
1. Please tell us something about the band “Catafalque” where Susan, Steven and Rutger once played. Was it the same style like the one of Desensitised?
Susan: In general it was, but it didn`t sound as tight and mature, haha. I think we also focused more on grindcore back then.
2. Introduce your band Desensitised to all of the metalheads who are not familiar with the band.
Wilbert: We`ve been around since 2001. After some major line-up changes Susan is the only one left from the original formation. As a 4 piece we try to create the music we love, old-school death/grind the way it’s meant to be played. Brutal, groovy and straight to the point. we have already released two mini CDs and we hope that our upcoming full-lenght CD “Virus of Violence’ will come out in a short while.
3. With which band do you compare the sound of Desensitised? Or is it a very own style which isn’t comparable with other band styles?

Wilbert: We are mainly influenced by bands from the early nineties. Carcass, Pungent Stench, Bolt Thrower and Obituary are some nice examples. I know that we’re not doing anything completely new here, but that we have a recognisable sound. We don`t claim to be completely new, crossing the boundaries of music. That isn’t our goal either. We just want to make music and have fun on stage!!
4. Did you always want to be rock/metal stars?
Wilbert: Well, we’ve never been rock/metal stars. But who doesn’t want to be one! As a kid I always dreamt of playing in sold out stadiums and loads of girls who would admire me! But I still dream that every night... haha!
5. We know that you are still searching for a label. And we want to wish you good luck with finding a fantastic one soon. If you want you can give a statement of which kind of label you are searching for and what your visions of a good label are. Maybe some label in Germany shows interest!
Susan: Hehe....that`s the ironic thing: we had a German label showing interest and the offered us a contract when we spoke to them. The only thing we had to do was to call them and send them an e-mail for the contract and when we did so the whole thing was cancelled again... Anyway we are looking for a trustworthy label with good distribution. Preferably a smaller label, as these labels tend to show more interest in the band as people, we donīt want to be a number... We also hope to be able to do a tour in the future.
6. What do you think will change when your first full length album will be released? Do you think there will be huge changes for all of you?
Wilbert: Well, we hope that our upcoming release “Virus of Violence” will be a step forward in our musical career. In the future it would be nice if we could do some more gigs or maybe a small tour outside The Netherlands.

Susan: I definitely hoep so that a few things are going to change! Like said in the previous answer: something we’d all like to do is doing a tour and this is only possible with a good label because we simply can’t pay for that ourselves. We hope that more people worldwide will get to know our name and music.
7.Tell us something about the video shooting for the clip “Black Gold”. Was it fun or real hard work only? Do you plan to do more video clips?
Wilbert: The Black Gold video was shot by Maurice and Lowlife Media. There was little time (3 hours) for the actual shooting of the video, but somehow he managed to produce a real tight video clip. It was really fun to do! Like I was doing some karaoke act in the pub, except for the fact that I wasn’t drunk and some local kids were watching.
8. How was the last concert you played in the Netherlands?
Wilbert: Haha, the last concert we had a tough crowd. There were enough people, but somehow they didn’t respond to anything. In Holland it is often that people just watch a band and don’t go berserk in front of the stage. We’re a spoiled crowd! Only the big international acts can turn a place up-side-down nowadays.
9. Please leave a message for your fans now.
Wilbert: Keep on griding, moshing, banging, drinking and havin’ fun in life! Come check us out at a live show and let’s party! Also visit our website or become our friend at Myspace ( www.desensitised.nl / www.myspace.com/desensitised) Cheerzzzz!
Susan: Spread the virus!
Thankx for your words, it was nice talking to you. Best wishes, SUSI