The World/Inferno Friendship Society
“The Anarchy and the Ecstasy”
Chunksaah/Gunner Records 2011
By Rich Cocksedge
(SugarBuzz UK)
SugarBuzz Magazine
The World/Inferno Friendship Society defy any conventional pigeonholing in terms of their musical output, with feet that dance from one genre to another at a range of tempos thus providing the listener/viewer with entertainment full of theatre, sarcasm, wit and a desire to party, party, party.
Despite having been hit by a few departures, The WIFS has regrouped, albeit as a slightly smaller ensemble, to deliver an album that hints at a level of maturity not seen before but clearly retaining the “wacky hi jinx” and snarling lyrics that have become part and parcel of what one expects from this rambunctious band.
With Jack Terricloth taking on guitar duties it is also noticeable that the dramatic and beautiful voice of Sandra Malak is utilised more than on previous releases, both in an upfront capacity as well as in the background. The combination of Terricloth’s unique vocals and Malak’s more operatic tones, provides one of the main reasons why this album works so well as they complement each other so effortlessly, creating a sound that I can’t imagine any other band being able to recreate.
“I Am Sick of People Being Sick of My Shit” opens the album with trademark Terricloth lyricism, which when read from the CD insert can often seem obscure and occasionally impenetrable but when heard sung begin to take on a life of their own, with meanings more apparent with, at times, an almost Hans Christian Anderson like quality to them. Despite a voice that is at times as smooth as velvet, Terricloth does not try to hide the vitriol he feels towards those who might criticize what he does. With teeth baring he begins with “I am sick of people being sick of my shit/If you’re not into the wacky hi jinx, then what are you doing here?” a clear statement that those who don’t get what they’re doing should just refrain from comment.
“Canonize Philip K Dick, OK?” reminds the listener that when working behind a desk, one is highly unlikely to be able to change the world; a feeling that I certainly can agree with as the futility of what one goes through on a daily basis is sometimes a frightening thought given the little effect one often has over anything.
“The Politics of Passing Out” is the song that has more in common with anything on The Red-Eyed Soul, and if one had to pick a ‘hit’ single off the album this would have to be the first choice for its catchiness and all round superbness!
“The Mighty Raritan” brings the album to a close yet with the refrain managing to linger in the brain well beyond the end of the song, it feels that the album never actually reaches a conclusion and hangs around refusing to go away..
The Anarchy and the Ecstasy treads a path slightly different to the last long player from the band, in that Red-Eyed Soul featured more punkier, poppy songs the ones that you can throw yourself around to, whereas this time out there is a more soulful, relaxed feel throughout the record. This is more a collection of songs that makes one want to grab a partner and dance around in circles, with grace and drunkenness in equal measure. It would be easy to accept that the enforced personnel changes could alter a band’s sound but given that The WIFS have long had a revolving door policy to band membership means that they are more than capable of coping with such occurrences. Whether or not, this is the route that the band would have gone down is moot, as what you have here is classic World/Inferno Friendship Society fare, as they are always liable to confound, confuse, amuse and amaze.
Having had the pleasure of seeing them live three times and currently being in the process of organising a road trip to see them in July, I must recommend the live experience as the way to truly try and get your head around what the band is all about. Expect tales, stories, jokes, alcohol, dancing, mockery but most of all, expect to be left with your head reeling and a massive Cheshire cat like grin which spreads from ear to ear as there is no way you cannot be moved by seeing Jack, Sandra and whoever else takes the stage with them, entertain all and sundry.