Wild Machine
S/T Demo
By Reb Sixxx
(SugarBuzz International)
SugarBuzz Magazine
The 80's are alive and well and living in Athens Greece.
Wild Machine is a 5-piece glam band that just released their first self-titled demo, produced by N. Spyropoulos. The 3 tracks on it are glam-metal at it's finest. They are currently working on a full-length CD at Studio "Live" in Athens, and hope to have it released sometime next year.
Wild Machine was formed back in 2000 and originally named War Machine, based off the rockin KISS tune, "War Machine" off the "Creatures of the Night Album". Following the unfortunate passing away of their bass player, and after multiple line-up changes, the band took another musical direction and changed its name to Wild Machine.
Having been compared to bands such as Britny Fox and Motley Crue, the band injects it's own punk energy and glam-rock sparkle that sets them apart from their counterparts; and gives them a contemporary edge, too. Wild Machine are known for their semi-theatrical, extravagant, and outrageous performances, and have played with the likes of Gilby Clarke, Star Star, Ryan Roxie, Faster Pussycat, and Skid Row.
The band is comprised of Johny Hott on vox, Spider Lee on guitar, Mario Lux on guitar, Simon Key on bass, and Andy Rozz on drums.

The track list off the demo includes the songs, "Viciouz Luv", "Suicide", and "Addicted". As I listen to them, I can't help but hear a Dangerous Toys type-vibe. (Anyone remember them, or am I just old?) Johny's vocals are almost a dead ringer for 80's band Dangerous Toys singer Jason McMaster's falsetto voice. Man I loved that band...but I digress.
The track,"Vicious Luv" is definitely a walk down 80's Memory Lane for me. The song begins with a guitar riff that starts kinda happy and plows head-first into a hell-on-wheels, hot-rockin axe to the head. The song also flows in a very commercial sounding way though that I'm sure radio would love to play. It's a hard-rockin tune that has a killer guitar solo half-way through, then slows to a nice bridge, then rocks it to ear-splitting levels one last time.
"Suicide" is probably my fave tune on the demo. It's starts at warp speed, and stays there. No passing Go, no collecting $200. It's just in your face from start to finish. Again, the guitar solos kick my ass all over the map. Tight, fluid, screamin', bashin' and crashin'. This is one HELL of a heavy song. I love it! And Johny Hott is giving you ALL a chance to get stirred into a frenzy, so he's graciously allowed you to download it HERE for free! So do it! You won't be disappointed.
The last track is, "Addicted" and it starts with Johny screeching a Bang Tango type style of vocals. I can't explain it any better than to say this is a song to fuck to. It's got that groove, that rhythm, the cool chord changes, and the beat that makes you think naughty thoughts. It's up, down, and all-around. I think I'll be playing this song later, if you catch my drift.

So all in all, Wild Machine is the real deal. I don't care if it's 20 years after the 80's have ended. I was there then, and I'm here now, and I guarantee the music is the same. They are not posers that grew up wanting to be like the bands in the 80's. They ARE a band in the 80's...just now. I highly recommend them.
Go buy their demo and make them rich. I triple dog-dare ya.