Wayne Newton
Firelake Casino
Shawnee, Oklahoma
By Vix
(SugarBuzz Oklahoma City)
SugarBuzz Magazine
In the days of cookie monster vocals, runny eyeliner, drug addicted pop divas and just damn skippy boy bands one sound has remained clear and consistent. The Lounge Act.
Now you may be asking yourself, why is this story here seeing as it is a Rock mag...well lemme tell you idiots something. This isn’t just a rock mag, it’s a music mag and in order to know music, you have to de diverse.
So in keeping with my renegade style I packed up my good friend Wendy and headed out to Firelake Casino in Shawnee Oklahoma to see none other that Mr. Las Vegas himself, Wayne Newton.
To reveal one of my dirty little secrets, I have been a Wayniac for a long time. So getting the opportunity to see Wayne in a smaller venue that one of the casinos on the Las Vegas Strip I was so excited.

Wayne Newton sings more than 'Danke Shoen'. Even though that’s the song everyone knows him for. He covered other songs too like 'Lady', and “Great Balls of Fire”. But it doesn't stop there. He played piano like Jerry Lee Lewis; he got gritty with a banjo and crooned away on acoustic guitar. But the best part of the onslaught of instruments he picked up and amazed us with was the fiddle. Good lord I didn't see that coming.
Yes he has had plastic surgery and yes he has a few voice issues. Hell who wouldn’t with a history like his. He is part of what has made Las Vegas what it is. I mean truly when you think of Las Vegas, you think of Casinos, Siegfried and Roy, Showgirls and Wayne Newton.
He is a comedian, a musician and a legend and if he comes to your town, shake off the leather and bad ass attitude and hang with the people who grew up with him in their play list.
Wayne Newton Rocks.....Simply Put.