Warrior Soul
"Destroy the War Machine"
By Geordie Pleathur
(SugarBuzz Nation)
SugarBuzz Magazine
(-Acetate records)
"Sometimes paranoia's just having all the facts." (~William S Burroughs)
“The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it.” (~ Albert Einstein)
"My people, the poor of Afghanistan who have known only war and the domination of fundamentalism, are today squashed between two enemies: the US/Nato occupation forces on one hand and warlords and the Taliban on the other." (~ Malalai Joya)
"...Today, I hear from working people, who should know better, some in my own family that those immigrants are taking our jobs, ruining our country ... When I hear that kind of talk, I want to say, did an immigrant move your plant overseas? Did an immigrant take away your pension? Or cut your health care? Did an immigrant destroy American workers' right to organize? Or crash the financial system? ... My friends, we are most of us the children of immigrants. But there was no labor movement in America until workers learned to look at each other and see not immigrants and native born, not white and black, not different last names, but our common fate as workers." (~AFL-CIO president, Richard Trumka)
"We don't work for you. Labor isn't an arm of the Democratic Party. It exists to support working families. And that's what we said tonight, and that's what we're gong to keep saying." (~AFL-CIO spokesman after labor was dissed by White House for supporting challenge to sold-out corporate Dem, Sen. Blanche Lincoln)
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." (~ Margaret Mead)
"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, these ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." (~ Robert Kennedy)
"We don't have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world." (~ Howard Zinn; Author of: "A People's History of the United States" & "and Terrorism and War" Also featured in documentary: "You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train")
"This Is A Public Service Announcement...With Guitars!!!!!" (~Joe Strummer)
I love Detroit. The people of Detroit know how to party. Spend any time, at all, with the salt of the Earth, real people of Motown, and you'll want to move straight in to their attic. The old bands, the Rockets, the Torpedos, Niagra (!!!), Junk Monkeys, Elvis Hitler.
Detroit Rock City can be cliquey, there's definitely a streak of Miki Dora's "Locals Only", it's a form of sports team "local pride", transferred to music, like, they're generally very tolerant of the crap bands that make it big, from there. If it's from Detroit, it's a native product the whole community must take pride in. Maybe it's a lingering attitude from the car manufacturing days, but for example, let's say a local artist COVERED a song by someone else, they're all ready to go to fisticuffs, TO THE MATTRESSES, insisting the song MUST have been composed by the hometown boy....They all revere Eminem (!?) as much as any of the old sixties punk and soul pioneers, that so few of the younger ones are even all that hip to. Many of the otherwise rational Motown folks are even still quick to defend the rightwing tool propaganda of Terrible Ted, in spite of all his nutty worship of D.E.A. agents, cops, and hunting.
If you enjoyed the high school cafeteria trip, I don't know how you got into rock'n'roll, but it's strange to watch as all the younger Von Bondi/Detroit Cobras/White Stripes/Gore Gore Girls/Demolition Doll Rods entrouge scenesters tediously, tend to obediently, line-up to kiss the arses of the aged figure-heads they're mostly unfamiliar with-the poster artists, former band managers, bar-band vets, etc., after all their hipster stripper girlfriend's guitarist boyfriends impatiently explain how they were each somehow, connected, vicariously, if fourth-hand, to Patti Smith, Creem Magazine, the Romantics, or the Stooges, a hundred years ago. There's this collective move towards the old dude, like the line to give the wife envelopes at a mafia wedding. Everyone has to kiss Gary Grimshaw's ring. God Bless Him! I'm just jealous the line was too long.
The Romantics are still ROYALS. It's sweet, in a way. I guess that preoccupation with social hierarchies is everywhere, but to an outsider, it can really seem sports-fan dumb, when it comes to root-root-rooting for the home-team, no matter how asinine, or buffoonish the home-team can get. Why suck up to someone who's achieved some measure of celebrity, if you aren't genuinely enthusiastic about their work? I'm thinkin' bout the way I.C.P. are givin' all them mad props for presiding $$$ over the low-brow Juggalo empire...Mostly, it's a hard-knocks, blue collar, get-down, good times, music town that was hit harder, and sooner by NAFTA, and all the globalist corporatism that's now starting to affect everyone, everywhere. I just don't understand the fascination with Big Man On Campus Localism.
There is this one anomaly, who doesn't seem to enjoy the privileges of membership afforded to each and every last one of the fat rappers, Creem photographers, and New Radicals. One guy who doesn't get the respect his work deserves is the revolution-rocker, from Warrior Soul. Kory Clarke, a prophet without honor, in his home-land. See--Ann Arbor's brilliant and scathingly funny "MOTORBOOTY MAGAZINE" took the piss outta Kory Clarke, a good decade back, and even today, lotsa locals still cling dumbly to that scene-police directive. Which was satire, not irrefutable LAW....It's so wrong and random, too. So What? Warrior Soul had humble beginnings doing sloppy spoken word, or embarrassing performance art, back in the day...maybe they were pompous, and signed to a major. Still just sounds like sour grapes, man. WERE THEY self-important, or pretentious? So were Sponge, and Jack White, and Eminem and all sortsa so-so, lesser locals, who still get the tribal thumbs-up, while Warrior Soul gets senselessly slagged, and slagged. Come ON! Kid Rock and Insane Clown Posse="Good"? Warrior Soul="Bad"? PREPOSTEROUS!!! WARRIOR SOUL were firebrand politicos, who took-up where the Lords Of The New Church left-off, back in the bozo hairband days, they preached a gospel of truth and compassion, with guts and poetry, and even excelled at soulful ballads like, "Lullaby", and "The Losers". Warrior Soul were the ORIGINAL Rage Against The Machine. Michael Monroe was a major fan. So was this intellectual chick, Leilane, whom I could never stop thinkin' about...They were fuckin' awesome, man. Sorry, Detroit. You're wrong about Kid Rock AND Warrior Soul. One of 'em shamelessly plagiarizes Car City Saint Seger, sucks up to the military-industrial-complex, and corporate status quo, sponges offa black subcultures, and still votes Republican... The other one writes songs like, "FUCK THE PIGS". WARRIOR SOUL are the blue collar, street ready, real deal voice of the common people....not those gratuitously insincere, careerist, social climber, middle-class white boys, whose entire sappy saga is supposedly, legitimized somehow, by having had Kid N Play haircuts for five seconds in 1987.
I'm not a thrash guy. At all. I didn't dig thrash in the eighties, and I don't dig it, now. The thrashiest bands I ever liked were just fast rock'n'roll bands, like the Misfits, so summa Warrior Soul's guitar sounds are still too Metallica, for my taste. Having said that, there are also plenty of lethal leads in an aggressive rock'n'roll vein, that'll have most anybody who ever believed in liberty, or freedom, banging their heads for the first time since Quiet Riot played that nudist colony, on the has-been trail, some ten or fifteen years ago. "Who is sick, sick of this war, and the one-party system, oil company whores? Aren't you sick of endless corporate lies? From Washington to Pentagon and the London banking tribe?" Has this guy been reading my diary, again? It's been an awful long time since any of the English spike brigades wrote songs this potent and angry. Last time I heard lyrics this conscious was either on a CD by Demolition 23, or Joe Strummer and The Mescaleroes last albums, from, a long, long while back. In this punishing era of corporate cocksucking and brainless, heartless, watered down content, it seems perfect that the brave hearted Clarke and Company have found a new home on Acetate Records, the valiant, last-standing, indie label, who brings you artists as essential as the Hangmen, Mad Juana, Black Halos, and Sour Jazz. The label I'd be on, if I could somehow tear my former bandmates away from their money grubbing careers as newly minted yuppies. WARRIOR SOUL are laying down the Awful Truth, exposing corruption, defending the meek, and opposing the diabolical, murder-thirsty, neo-con, torture mongers who have clearly, taken over both parties, and every branch of our puppet government. They are the American
counter-parts to the Manic Street Preachers, from Wales. While most all of those Anti-Reagan, khaki-shorted, eighties hardcore fratboys have gone limp and crunchy granola, assimilating into comfy lives as Seattle/DC cult figures, WARRIOR SOUL are manning the barricades. Still fighting the good fight. Sinead O'Connor still does her part. They murdered Tupac and replaced him with Diddy. Most of what we hear on Fear Channel owned, and Pentagon operated State Radio and TV airwaves is bullshit, jingles, gloss and garbage. Weapons of Mass Distraction. Warrior Soul, however, ARE NOT SLEEPING! Like Michael Moore with a heavy backbeat, or Jeremy Scahill on wheels of fire! I say Cheers to Kory Clarke, for not being content with mere middle class conformity, and sell-out assimilation, and endless, Starbucks rationalizing, like Pearl Jam for TARGET. Thank Goodness there is still at least one raspy voice, willing to step out of the celebrity comfort-zone, to scream into the void, and loudly challenge the genocidal skumbag greedheads. Warrior Soul made this CD, not just to have an excuse to tour and bang some emo chicks, like all their former peers, they recorded "DESTROY THE WAR MACHINE" to try to help wake-up some of the drowsy rock'n'roll people....DON'T MOURN! ORGANIZE! BOYCOTT CORPORATE ROCK! QUIT SUCKING CORPORATE