Walk Hard : The Dewey Cox Story
Anytown, USA
By Victoria Joyce
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
See this movie. And then, tell everyone you know to see this movie. Seriously.
Remember “Office Space?” Remember how it came and went from the theaters so fast and then it ended up being the cult hit of all cult hits? Why? Because the studio guys promoted it wrong. Because they didn’t get it. Do you have a red Swingline Stapler on your desk? Uh, yeah, we’re gonna need you to come in this weekend.
Same deal here. The brilliant “Walk Hard, The Dewey Cox Story” was released a few months ago with little fanfare. Came and went on the big screens fast. They didn’t promote it right. I don’t know one person who saw it. “Dewey” has just been released to DVD and is available for rent on Netflix, Blockbuster, etc. Run, don’t walk to the video store.
For the love of God, see this movie.
At first blush, “Dewey Cox” is easy film to figure out. Critics called it predictable. Wrong. For the most part this film is a parody of the Joaquin Phoenix/Johnny Cash biopic, “Walk the Line.” But that’s just for starters.
Star John C. Reilly is a treasured actor. He won a Oscar nod for a supporting role in “Chicago”(2002). His breakout role was Mark Walhberg’s sidekick in the magnificent “Boogie Nights” (1997) playing a porn star slash magician. His sad tricks melted your heart.

As Dewey, Rielly’s white boy Afro and sad clown face are perfect for the rags-to-riches rock star who kills his baby brother. Throughout we see splashes of the Ray Charles movie, Buddy Holley, Bob Dylan, Oliver Stone’s “Doors” and a bitsy bit of “Dream Girls.” And what the hell, “The Glenn Campbell Good Time Hour.” Yee Ha.
“Dewey” is milk-through-your-nose funny. Like the Marx Brothers or Rocky and Bullwinkle, “Walk Hard” takes jokes all over the place and at every level; from little kid to tragically hip; sophisticated to slapstick, smutty to smart and everything in between except the kitchen sink. Well, actually it’s a bathroom sink. You gotta see this thing. The production values are good without being slick or forced. The performances are polished and pacing is brisk. Comedy is best dealt with a light hand and this movie is all aces.
Hit you over the head with a rubber chicken hilarious, Saturday Night Live vet, Tim Meadows steals the picture. With the possible exception of Eddie Vedder’s cameo as Eddie Vedder. Also on hand are other grads of Lorne Michael’s Academy, Chris Parnell and Kristin Wiig.
Eddie Muniz shows up as Buddy Holley. Jackson Browne, Jewell, The Temptations and Lyle Lovett appear as themselves. Like we said everything but the kitchen sink. Wait, make that bathroom sink. And Jack White as Elvis=Oscar Bait.

TV veteran Jake Kasdan succeeds beautifully directing his first feature. He’s the “Freaks & Geeks” guy from TV. He also co-wrote with Mr. Golden Touch himself, Judd Apatow (also Freaks & Geeks, 40 Yr Old Virgin, Talladega Nights, blah, blah, blah.)
Song parodies are wonderful. Title song “Walk Hard” is perfect. “Let’s Duet” is Johnny and June getting their freak on. The Dylan song could pass for the real thing.
Our absolute favorite scene is when Dewey goes to India to meditate with the Maharishi. The Beatles are played by Jack Black as Paul, Paul Rudd is Lennon, Justin Long, (the Mac TV Commercial guy) as The Quiet Beatle and Jason Schwartzman as Ringo. All uncredited. Which means they got scale.
See this movie. You will thank me.