On The Record With...
Paolo Gregoletto (Trivium)
March 17th , 2006
Cardiff University
By Lydia (SugarBuzz UK)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Every journalist has their bad interviews and for me it came on March 17th 2006 in Cardiff University with Trivium’s bass player Paolo Gregoletto. So 7 minutes, many yawns, silences and sighs revealed a young talent already it seemed caught up in believing his own press, radiating youthful arrogance and ‘I don’t want to be doing this’ vibes.
How’s the tour been going so far?
Great, it gets better each time we come here. The kids have been off the wall crazy.
Have you been finding there’s a difference between this year’s tours and last year? Is it more intense?
Yeah, there are new kids and this year’s their first time seeing us. It gets better every time. [Yawns] There are kids who come back out to see us and you can tell they know who we are.
What songs do you find really get the crowds going?
The singles always hit big, it’s what most people know and you get some people come just really to see one or two songs then they get to know about the rest through the show. It’s cool (sounding bored) [sighs]. We spread the hits around the set. You don’t want a concentration of hits in one area; it needs to be spread evenly.

What do you like to play best?
I like playing Gunshot a lot. I like to play ‘em all, just to play.
The past 12 months have been pretty insane for you guys, have you found you’ve changed at all?
Not really [shrugs]. Our lifestyle’s changed a lot, we’re always travelling but I don’t really think we’ve changed too much.
With all this constant touring is there a new album in the works?
Yeah we have the stuff written. When we get home we have 2 weeks off then we’ll start the CD. It should be out in September.
From the stuff written so far do you think your sound will change at all?
No, we’re still a metal band. We are branching out, there’s more technical stuff. We don’t want to limit ourselves to one sound and want to steer away from the trends. We want to avoid being pigeonholed.
What would you say you miss most about being away from home?
It’s nice to be able to relax but I get bored at home so I can only take that for a little bit. Touring’s a lot of fun but there is a lot of stress on you physically and mentally. But you get used to it, it’s great [stifles another yawn].
Are there any places left you’d like to tour in?
Australia. We’re getting emails from kids begging us to go out there which we’ll hopefully do in the next year. We’ve got a lot of big stuff going on especially in 2007 which will be announced in the next 3 or 4 months.
Like the Iron Maiden tour? How’d that come about?
We found out about it in September. Rod their manager got in touch with Justin our manager and pretty much said ‘I’d like to bring you out for the UK and European tour’.

Is there ever a moment when you just want to pinch yourself to make sure it’s all real?
Yeah yeah, it’s crazy y’know, but now it’s a reality it’s what we’ve worked towards. It’s cool.
Moving on to Download, has any of it surprised you? You’re rumoured to be in a top 3 slot and you’re first show last year was on the main stage.
Yeah, well we’re top 3 this year on the Saturday; it’s us then Korn and Metallica.
Is it daunting at all?
No not really. It’s what we’ve been doing. Last year we went up there with no stage stuff and we were able to command 20,000 people. When it comes down to it that’s our strongest point, we’re most comfortable on stage. I’m just looking forward to having fun. It’s going to be a rush to run out there to that many people.
With everything you’ve done so far is there anything else left for you to achieve?
Well we’ve got Maiden tours and Metallica shows, we pretty much just want to play everywhere, get stadium tours and just get huge all over the world.
So that was it, the laptop came straight out and the interview was dead in the water. Short, not so sweet but interesting to get a view of the metal world from a younger, developing perspective.