Triple Hex
Phantom Highway 13
Thigh High Records-2005
By Christopher Duda
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
Every city, town, borough, township, district has one! - There is no denying it! Now if your mind is wandering towards perverted meanderings; and your X-ray vision glasses are swaying up a fishnet stocking to Bush country, than you are on the wrong leg. We here at SugarBuzz are fine purveyors of the art of eating a greasy breakfast after a night of alcoholic consumption and general abuse on our ear canals. After a well spent evening partaking in rock and roll indulgence of course!
My personal favourite here in Toronto was (RIP) the Elvis Restaurant. If you are thinking it was Ultra Chic, you are once again off on the wrong path thinking of the hooker’s meaty legs. The Elvis Restaurant was full of panelling and tacky Elvis memorabilia and filled with old men drinking draft combined with trendy Queen Street types curing their hangovers.
Two Eggs Over Easy, buttered toast, bacon, and several cups of coffee.

Okay now take your favourite greasy spoon and mix it with a little sex beat Cramps and you will begin to understand Triple Hex.
Take It Greasy!