Torn Asunder
CD Review
By Crystal Weir
(SugarBuzz Kansas City)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Five guys have come together to make good old-fashioned rock and roll. All four tracks recorded by Torn Asunder are pretty straight forward and consistent as far as where the music takes you. And, for the most part I like knowing where I’m going.
The name and the overall image of the band speaks to a much heavier genre of music than they actually produce. But I think that’s okay. Nothing wrong with looking a little more rock and roll than you sound. Don’t take that to mean that they sound like a bunch of sissies ‘cause they don’t. They just come off a bit more Pearl Jam than Motorhead, ya know?
I really liked “Ended Here”. It actually reminded me of Shinedown, so if you like that sort of vibe you’ll probably enjoy this sullen semi-emotional track. In fact, if I were calling the shots for this band, “Ended Here” would definitely be the first single to hit the airwaves.
That’s it. Short and sweet is always good coming from me.