By Lynda
(SugarBuzz Atlanta)
pixs by Lynda
SugarBuzz Magazine
I would be upset that I no longer live in SC, and thus could claim the band Leslie as the pride of my state, but I do live in Georgia and can claim StoneRider, so it’s all good.

In the recent explosion of bluesy southern rock jam bands making big waves in the local rock scenes, Leslie and StoneRider are among the top that need to be recognized because it’s nothing short of a major deprivation if you haven’t heard them.
Late last year, before the release of their debut “Three Legs of Trouble” (available online and in major music stores), Jason Krutzky, the drummer of StoneRider, gave me a 3-song demo that I popped into the car player. I immediately fell in love. I remember saying “Where in the hell did these guys come from?! And why haven’t I heard of them before?” It was by the second of their shows that I’ve been to that I proclaimed: You make me want to write again! I haven’t found the enthusiasm and motivation to write in about a year! Music fans just need to know about this band, and I’m excited to have the power of enlightenment (as one does when they review anything).
And although their “Three Legs of Trouble” album does wonders for the sing-a-long, groove inducing, “hell yeah” desires of the soul, a StoneRider concert goes above and beyond.

Whether it’s bassist Champ Champagne’s knee popping, body rocking grooving , guitarist Neil "Staxxx" Warren’s dread-slinging, foot stomping energy, drummer Jason’s joyful pain-filled facial expressions and kickass technique, or lead singer/guitarist Matt Tanner’s mesmerizing guitar solos and trance-like loss into the music, StoneRider always delivers an unbelievable performance that just never feels quite long enough.
I can’t help but stand there and try to hate these guys for being young and so damn good, but you just can’t hate that which brings so much amazement. The drummer of Leslie once quipped in jealousy that he wanted to punch Jason in the face for his playing, and watching Matt completely forget that there is anyone else in the room while he’s firing off another of his gripping solos both further as testaments to the crazy-goodness (godness?) of that which is StoneRider.

The other band Leslie that I’ve spoken of is also one of amazing talent and similar sound. Although a mere three piece, they have the large scale sound and energy of an arena band. Lead singer/guitarist Sadler Vaden rips through solos like nobody’s business while looking like Peter Frampton’s 70’s self, and is backed by less-than tranquil bassist Jason Fox who can’t be contained to a stage and often comes into the crowd while playing, and drummer Jonathan Carman whose mad dog drum rolls and pristine beats slam it home. Their CD will be release next year.

For those of us who were lucky enough to catch the two bands paired up for a few20nights, the nights were outright rockfests filled with blues licks, jam solos, elongated cover tunes, witty comedy, angsty singin’, and last but not least, lots of hair…
StoneRider = myspace.com/stoneriderband
Leslie = myspace.com/leslierock