Stevie Klasson
By Geordie Pleathur
(SugarBuzz Nation)
SugarBuzz Magazine
"ANGEL IN BLACK...." THE SUGARBUZZ INTERVIEW with Fabulous Gunslinger, Stevie Klasson!"
"Someday, you will understand why we drifted apart...Try to live on soul food, baby, but there's nothin' left in our hearts" (-Diamond Dogs)
"They say things are done for the majority...don't believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear." (-Lou Reed)
"Obama’s message of hope and change, so exciting a year ago, now rings hollow for those of us hoping he would usher in an era of peace. He has escalated the war in Afghanistan, increased the drone attacks in Pakistan, continued the Bush policy of unconditional support for Israel and refusal to talk to Hamas, and we have yet to see whether he will bring the troops home from Iraq. On the foreign policy front, this is not the change we hoped for.” (-Medea Benjamin, Cofounder, CODEPINK: Women for Peace)
"The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us." (-Black Elk; 1863-1950)
"I tell you, there are periods when I get very scared. I have a great deal of respect for science, and what they’ve done, but you know, I don’t want to see the world blow up. I don’t like the talk of war. I don’t like the things I read about the Middle East. It’s very difficult to be optimistic, especially if you’re living in a place like New York, where there’s everything to indicate that it’s just a matter of time." (-Herbert Huncke)
"Many people love me, many people hate me...there's nobody in between. That's the way I prefer it." (-Johnny Thunders)
It's mostly all a blur, now, 'cigarettes, a thoughtfully engraved silver hip-flask, fish-net stockings, hotel rooms, abandoned buildings, conch belts, the Holiday Cocktail Lounge, velvet newsboy caps, beautiful girls, high hopes, the rehearsal rooms on Avenue B, Downtown Beirut, black eyes, sequined trousers, and dashed dreams, but I do recall seein' Stevie Klasson, jammin' alongside Johnny Thunders, many times, in NYC, oh so many moons ago, it's like another lifetime, now. 'Sax player, Jamie Heath's kooky suits, Alison Gordy was like a bombshell from another planet, way beyond the valley of the ultra-glam vixens. Johnny and Stevie reminded you of Keith N Ronnie, in a downtown punk rock sorta way, that few others could come close to, anymore. They looked like brothers, really. Suicide Twins. Badass Mofos. Badass Rising. Back then, Johnny was the seasoned, old pro, and Stevie was the young gun. In the ensuing decade, or two, Stevie has steadily evolved in to a marvelous musician, and masterful showman. It sez something poor, about the decline of this country, and the profound decay of our democracy, that immortal cats like Stevie Klasson, don't choose to live in NYC, anymore. All the authentic artists are in exile. Only fifteen odd years ago, Klasson was the very epitome of Lower East Side Cool. That was a real gone time. We, at Sugarbuzz, are saddened to learn of the recent death of original Circus Of Power/Leeway bass-player, Zowie (R.I.P.)...Real rock'n'rollers are, indeed, as Michael Monroe once said, an "Endangered Species"....
Stevie's one of the Few, the Proud, The Last Of The White Buffalo, Genuine Article, Rock'n'Roll, Gypsy Blues Men, still wandering the planet. His music's infused with a broad and diverse array of varied musical influences, but is of special interest to those of us who yearn for really exquisite, melodic power-pop, and heart-felt, seventies street-hustle, East Coast style, real rock'n'roll, with a sneering, R & B strut, like, you know...The Only Ones, Johnny Thunders, The Jacobites, the Georgia Satellites, Mink Deville, The Rolling Stones "Some Girls", etc.
The unbridled genius, John Perry, from England's glorious, ONLY ONES, says this about Stevie Klasson: "Stevie K. is a great guitar-player. In a world that seems to reward flashy players, Stevie always shows high good taste and understatement. He's a joy to play with. More power to his arm."
Canadian Rock 'N' Roll torch-bearer, Neen, from TRASH GALLERY, said this about Klasson: "Stevie understands how to write a Rock 'N' Roll ditty, without making it sound contrived...It doesn't take much effort with that guy...His knowledge of song structure and melody, with a touch of drunken swagger in his voice, breathes life into the body of Rock'n'Roll. Damn...we all are trying, but some just do it better then others."
Ray "Birchy" Birch, from elegant Birmingham glamour punks, GUNFIRE DANCE/the Head-Hunters/Tyla/Brian James/The Black Bombers (soon to be backing Walter Lure in the U.K.) recalls, "I saw him with the Oddballs quite a few times,and must say, I thought he and that band carried Thunders, a little bit. Thunders seemed to keep his guitar playing to a minimum in that band, and seemed more interested in being some kind of a punk Dion??"
I asked Kevin Junior from Chicago's very lovely CHAMBER STRINGS about Stevie, and this is what he had to say: "Hmm... Not much I can say about this man Stevie Klasson. We never really met. We did, however, do a gig together in maybe 89' or 1990. It was whenever he was playing with Johnny Thunders & they came through Chicago. My first band, Mystery Girls, were the support band. We wanted the gig so bad (Johnny being our hero and all) & the venue Metro were too cheap to rent all of Johnny's bands gear, so they put it on us to supply much of it. We were young & dumb enough to go along with this, but ended up just bringing our own gear and passing it off as the stuff we were supposed to borrow, rent, whatever..
I do remember the guitarist-who was Stevie, but I didn't know him from Nixon at the time-getting very pissed off when he came up to his side of the stage and saying "this is not a Marshall Stack like I asked for!!" No, it wasn't..it was a lousy Lab Series made by Gibson. A terrible piece of shit, I will admit. Johnny got a Fender Twin supplied by some stranger, which I ended up asking him if I could borrow for my set! Then, get this, when JT went onstage, his whole band was out there waiting, and he plugged in and went straight for "Pipeline" only to have no sound come out!! Johnny ended up paceing the stage and combing his hair for the next 10 minutes while the roadies scrambled...oi vey! After the show, Johnny gave me some friendly ribbing about "you broke my amp, blah, blah" and we ended getting smashed with him & having a great time. Never did notice what happened with Stevie though. He might have been put off by having to play through that piece of crap we stuck him with. Sorry, ol' boy! We were just poor kids & wanted to do the show no matter what. Ah well, what can you really depend on when the topic is rock n' roll??"
Steve Conte from the Crazy Truth, New York Dolls, and Michael Monroe adds, "He's a really sweet guy."
Nowadays, the so-called, "American Rock Press" is sadly, manipulated by a tiny elite, who own the Big Media Monopolies, so it's mindlessly commercial music magazine's glossy mast-heads are most often comprised of a lazy coterie of corporate whores, slumming heiresses, and sold-out geezers, who oughta know better, than to brazenly champion all that moronic war propaganda, and puerile, consumer-robot, electro-banging they berate us with on the radio, so I never get to read enough about artists of Stevie's stature, or abilities. He is a major, world-class talent. Some of you younger rock'n'roll fiends and bar-room angels, may know of him from the Diamond Dogs, or his brief stint in Hanoi Rocks. However, you may not be aware that this old school, new barbarian, also, has a brand new album out. I want all you Sugar-Stars, soul-men, and devoted sleaze-punks to dutifully, pop straight on over to his Myspace Page, and promptly, order yourself a copy, of his new disc, "Don't Shoot The Messenger"...as soon as you're done reading this interview. Believe me, you'll be grateful you did....Don't thank me. Thank Stevie Klasson. (-G.P.)
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: What was the first record you ever bought, and where did you purchase it?
STEVIE KLASSON: I had seen Jimi Hendrix on TV-the footage from Monterey, when he sets fire to his guitar, when I was about 4 years old. Then, I was with my Grandma at the supermarket, and in those days, they had records in racks by the counters. I remember grabbing the Hendrix record and refusing to let go of it... My sweet little Granny had to buy it for me...
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: Who really inspired you to pursue this brutal calling?
STEVIE KLASSON: Hendrix and the Stones, and then, punk rock. 'Pistols and Clash.
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: What were your first bands like?
STEVIE KLASSON: Punk bands rehearsing in my mothers garage. We had a neighbour that was an old army officer who hated us, and we loved busting his balls... A lot of the songs were about him. With titles like "Fuck The Army", etc....
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: I know you worked with a group called NEON LEON-Was that the legendary Neon Leon Chelsea made notorious from his relationship to Sid 'N' Nancy and the Chelsea Hotel?
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: I noticed awhile back that your Myspace page sez you worked with Kenney Silver-Was that the guy from the French band, Bad Losers, or the one who used to write for Sugarbuzz Magazine?
STEVIE KLASSON: No, this Kenny Silvers is from Stockholm.
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: Please discuss origins of the Oddballs...What were the highlights of playing in that group?
STEVIE KLASSON: Johnny had just released "Copycats" and wanted a band that could nail that kind o' material. It was a great school to go to! I was a 19 year old kid from Stockholm, Sweden. One o' my personal highlights was playing the old Ritz in NYC, a week before it closed, with Clem Burke on drums....
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: What do you miss most about Thunders?
STEVIE KLASSON: His sense of humor...
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: Who was your favorite Ramone?
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: Weren't you also a member of Diamond Dogs, for a bit?
STEVIE KLASSON: For about 3 years, but I got bored, so I quit. Its really Sulo's band, and he doesn't want to let anybody in on the songwriting, and I wanted to do my own band.
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: What do you remember about the Johnny Thunders Tribute Show in NYC?
STEVIE KLASSON: I remember Alison singing "Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory" ,and all the girls in the front row crying.
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: Did you ever witness performances by any of the following-Angels In Vain, Dollhouse, Dogtown Balladeers, Phantoms, Senders, Pillbox, or Gunfire Dance?
STEVIE KLASSON: The Senders, I saw playing some great gigs...
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: What do you remember about Willie Deville?
STEVIE KLASSON: I spoke to Willy on the phone alot, after Johnny died, in New Orleans, trying to put the pieces together, about what had happened. Willy was one of my all time heroes, and a big inspiration. May he rest in peace...
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: Ever know a chick named Elka Brandt?
STEVIE KLASSON: Not that I can remember... But that don't mean anything, my memory is like a goldfish's when it comes to names.... But I never forget a face!!! You have a picture of her??
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: Is it difficult for Americans to immigrate to Sweden?
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: What musicians do you listen to for pleasure?
STEVIE KLASSON: Alot o' music from all over the world... West African old groove, like the Super Eagles, Gypsy Jazz, New Orleans piano professors, just got all the Johnny Winter 70's reissues. I listen to the new Artic Monkeys C.D., Ray Lamontagne, a lot o' Humble Pie, recently. Oh yeah... a Jamaican guy by the name o' Jah Cure is really hip!!!
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: JAH CURE. I'll have to check him out. Did you know Stiv Bator?
STEVIE KLASSON: Not that well, but I hung with him. He was a real sweet cat.
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: That's exactly how Steve Conte describes you, homes...What was it like recording with Hanoi Rocks?
STEVIE KLASSON: I only recorded with them once... First, we recorded with the band for a couple o' days, and knocked down basic tracks... Then, Michael locked himself in the studio, for a couple o' days, and overdubbed a lot o' multi-tracked saxophones, guitars, and synthesizers....and that was the end of my recording career with Hanoi Rocks. We're all friends, but its not my cup o' meat, musically.
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: Do you have any kids?
STEVIE KLASSON: Yes, one daughter, that I know of...
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: The recording of your album? Briefly describe each of your collaborators...
STEVIE KLASSON: Well, what can I say? All my friends came through for me. The people I love and respect. I'm very proud of that record.
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: When did you have the occasion to perform with the ONLY ONES?
STEVIE KLASSON: I sat in with them, when they played Stockholm, last spring. They are old friends of the family. They originally asked me to open up the show, but my record company didn't think it was a good idea, for some strange reason, that's beyond me...so I sat in with them, instead. I'm so happy that they are back together.
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: Me, too. Please discuss the Black Weeds and your Spanish tour...
STEVIE KLASSON: Zuhaitz, at Bomber Booking, did a great job getting that tour together. The new band kicks ass. This is the beginning of a new journey. I apologize to all my fans in Spain, that we didn't have any C.D. for sale at the last eight gigs. We are having some trouble with our record company.
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: Whatever happened to Billy G. Bang from Shooting Gallery and Kill City Dragons?
STEVIE KLASSON: I have no idea...
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: What do you think about the reconstituted New York Dolls two albums?
STEVIE KLASSON: Three chords, some Chuck Berry, and a whole lotta street smarts...
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: Current events, plans for the future?
STEVIE KLASSON: I'm writing a book o' short stories from the rock'n'roll highway, and I'm recording a new Black Weeds album. I'm producing an album with Big Walker, a fantastic harp-player, and blues man from Oklahoma.. And I'm recording stuff in my studio with Lejva, my girlfriend's band, the Wild Wives.......
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: What else did you want to communicate to the rocknroll people?
STEVIE KLASSON: Keep rockin!!!
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: Okay...You thought that was too many questions...but here's a few more!
THE WORLD FAMOUS SUGARBUZZ ACID TEST LIGHTNING ROUND-This is where we give you a name and you spit back the first word that pops into your head:
Chris Wilson: Dear friend
Kris Needs: A 12'single o' "Memo From Turner" with Patti Palladin on Creation that never got released....
Adam Bomb: Needs help
Patti Palladin: Always gets a Great Big Kiss!
Michael Thimrin: 50 years, last week...
Connie Bloom: Prime Shaker 'N' Mover Deluxe...
Tyla: Long time no see...
Angels In Vain: Ronnie Roze 'n' Roger Anderson goes to NYC
"Who Killed Johnny Thunders" movie:???
Chris Musto: The Great Minyak...
Chetah Chrome: "Here Comes Trouble"! -Great song!!!
Timo Kaltio: Always had great hats, Sweet cat too!!!
Mister Ratboy: Worked in a shop on St. Marks...
Steve Conte: New friend...
Willy Deville: Old hero,Fantastic singer n' a great showman!!!
Keith Richards: One wonders what life would have been without...
Adam Bomb: Still needs help!!!!
Nina Antonia: Is writing something, I'm sure....
Phillipe Marcade: One o' J.T.'s favorite bands,The Senders...
Road Vultures: Do they have a driving license?
Jill Wissoff: Bless her..
Joey Pinter: Uncle Waldo's crew!!!
Andy McCoy: My long lost brother, the Prince O' Gypsies....
Angela McCoy: His lovely Missus...
Lech Kowalski: Fuckin Prick..
Dave Kusworth: Needs a bath!!!!
Alison Gordy: Soul sister...
Tony Coiro: Played an original '59 Gibson eb-o..... R.I.P.
Nikki Sudden: R.I.P.
SUGARBUZZ MAGAZINE: Thank You Stevie, for all the fantastic music and entertainment, throughout the years. You Are A Class Act, and A Consummate Rock'n'Roll Gentleman. We really appreciate you taking all this time out to chat with us. I know I can speak for all the real rock'n'roll people, and the entire staff of Sugarbuzz Magazine, when I say, We Wish You The Best Of Everything That Real Rock 'N' Roll Has To Offer. You deserve it. Peace, Brotherman.
SugarBuzz Magazine