Steel Panther
Feel The Steel
By Rock N' Write
(SugarBuzz Las Vegas)
SugarBuzz Magazine
“Where did metal go?” That was the question so many of us asked in the early nineties, including Lita Ford. There she sat on the beach, clenching onto a towel wrapped around her shoulders, crying her sad song about the abrupt demise of metal while VH1’s Behind The Music cameras were rolling. I’ve got one thing to say Lita Ford…stop your whining woman and get off the goddamn beach because your prayers have been answered. In an unbelievable comeback, four metal gods who call themselves Steel Panther are pouncing their way into the annals of metaldome…yes, 20 years later. But still.
Their long anticipated album FEEL THE STEEL contains a mélange of mega hits, ballads, and feel good melodies to rock out to. High charged vocals and over-the-top guitar solos are evident throughout the album, and that’s how I like it baby. Call it what you want, but it’s cock rock at its finest. And the lyrics? Wow, where do I begin? I still can’t figure out how they manage to compact so much information into one song. Lyrical geniuses? I’ll leave that one up to you because it just takes one a**hole to read into that question too seriously and then get in my face over it. And to the reviewer that gave this album one star…guess what? I’m nullifying your one star by giving this album 11 out of 10 stars. Kiss my ass!

There are so many highlights in this album such as guest musicians Justin Hawkins (The Darkness) and Scott Ian (Anthrax), not to mention the balzy Bon Jovi rip-off song “Party All Day”, every cougar’s theme song “Eyes of a Panther”, and lessons on monogamy “Eatin Ain’t Cheatin” (I had no idea I got a divorce over nothing, but at least I know for next time…thanks guys!). And thank God for the instructional song “The Shocker”…ladies, you don’t have to repeat yourself anymore. The easy to remember lyrics coupled with a catchy melody should help any man in the bedroom or backstage. For the die-hard fans, Steel Panther also included timeless classics “Stripper Girl” and “Fat Girl”. The only negative thing I can say about FEEL THE STEEL which has been playing on heavy rotation in the confines of my car is that I have to restrain myself from singing any of the songs by the water cooler or at Disneyland. There’s nothing I would enjoy more than belting out lines from “Asian Hooker” at any given moment, but singing about sucky f*cky and tuna rolls strategically placed would probably get me thrown out of those places.
Overall, this is a MUST BUY, MUST LEGALLY DOWNLOAD album. To Michael Starr, Satchel, Lexxi Foxxx, and Stix Zadinia, I would give you the stars in the sky…my heart belongs to you.