The Spunk Bubbles
Metal Wench 7"
Waterfront Records
By Lucky
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Freak out metal machine heads. It’s the grand and glorious 1986 Waterfront Records release of those crazy-ass Australian hooligans The Spunk Bubbles. Thou they only graced the down under for a short four year life-span (1985-1989), their mark upon the rock and roll landscape will gyrate inevitable tremors for a millennium. Just young spunkies, basking in the sweat of the legendary Hard-Ons, they formulated a notion to wreak some major havoc of their own. And major havoc certainly ensued resulting in the band eventually being banned from practically all of the live venues of their day. The now historic tales of debauchery and dementia, chaos and commotion, are argued by some to have reached impossible exaggeration proportions, while others live to tell the tale. Either way it is the stuff that rock legends are made of.

Can I hear a rock and roll amen my brothers and sisters! “Metal Wench” starts with a pragmatic preach followed by some Hoffman like assault of the shark. Halford hollers foul as Ug the Caveman inaudibility interjects. V.D. Brothel Brain’s full churning chukka chukka severs synapse. Full frontal and frothing, it’s got you by the balls. If you hit up you tube, the live version of this song is way rawer skate and way less metal slick.
“Treat Me Good” got expelled with the likes Stiv, Thunders and Strummer. Mega hall reverb renders the guitar gargantuan. The Oi packed backing vocal immortalizes. Fast paced and frantic, this shoulda, woulda, coulda been a big contender.
All in all well worth the four dollars and ninety-nine cents I laid on the counter for this timeless 7”. Making it more collectable, my copy includes the original insert, known to have fallen fodder from other copies circulating collectors clutches.