Snake of Eden
Cascade Studios
April 26, 2008
By Freekshow
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
On Saturday April 26th, Snake of Eden (featuring, Izzy, Rock & Kelli Swede, Hollywood’s infamous triplets) were playing a show/private party down at Cascade Studios on Santa Monica Blvd in Hollywood.
It had been quite a while since I’d seen Snake of Eden play, and I had been hearing quite a buzz around town about how this band was really starting to shape up into an exciting band, so I headed down there to see for myself what all the buzz was about.
Upon arriving, I was immediately greeted by one of the triplets ( I believe it was Kelli, but without a name tag, one has to wonder who is who, lol ) I headed into the studios and I was quickly captivated by the atmosphere, it was strange and cool all at the same time. The scene reminded me of my high school days ( I hope I’m not dating myself here) when I used to host parties in my parents garage, and all my friends would sneak in alcohol and gather around to watch my band play.
Snake of Eden took the stage at around 10:30 pm and to say that I was surprised is an understatement. I was very impressed with what I was hearing; they sounded great and by no means were they even close to the band that I remember seeing when they started playing last summer. I guess I would have to attribute this change to the addition of new comers to the band Matty D (guitar) and Oskar Strikes (drums).
The band ripped through a short set of about 5 songs starting off with the very punky influenced tune entitled “Back to Life” and continued to deliver the rest of their set with great rock n roll attitude. If you think that glam, glitter rock is dead; you have obviously been hiding under a rock as Snake of Eden seems determined to prove you are dead wrong!