Semi Precious Weapons
On The Rox ~ West Hollywood, CA
February 23, 2011
By Victoria Joyce
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
Photography by Mila Reynaud
SugarBuzz Magazine
Perez Hilton’s favorite band, the outrageous and the courageous Semi Precious Weapons has returned to the Sunset Strip for a Wednesday residency at On the Rox, the funky monkey bar upstairs from The Roxy.
First-nighter was a scream. Calling it the Empire Party. “The worst party evah!” lead singer, six-foot-something, Justin Tranter announced from the stage after playing Twister with a jammie-wearing dancer with bunny ears. We agreed. The dancing gimmicks got old fast and we wanted to hear the Weapons of Mass Self-Destruction bang it out.
This E Party thing is co-production with the dancers from The Voyeur, the Republican hang out on Santa Monica Boulevard. How do you spell sleezie? Beautifully branded, images of Justin were all over the club, on windows abouve the bar and big blow ups mounted on Foamcore held up by the signature dancers with flesh-colored undies that had Justin’s face strategically stenciled. Nice effort.
Lots of locals showed up for the midnight set; Jeffree Star, Taime Downe, Riki Rachtman, Daisy De La Hoya, Lenora Claire, and those glammed up pretty boys from Purple Melon and Prima Donna (ps - Prima Donna will be backing up Texas Terri at the Los Angeles and other California dates. Yippie!)
Now self-identifying as “Rough and Roll.” Love. It. Semi Precious Weapons got a lot of buzz opening for Lady GaGa last year. BFD. We loved em before, during and after. Who doesn’t adore Justin Tranter singing lead and high kicking his glitter heels? Backed up by Dan Crean on drums, Stevy Pyne on guitar and Cole Whittle on bass, we want to be wounded.
This Wednesday night On the Rox Empire Party will last through the end of March or until Ghadafi flees the country with all the Ghold.
Semi Precious Weapons
Semi Precious Weapons on Facebook
Mila Reynaud Photography
SugarBuzz Magazine