School Girls
Let Class Begin - 2006
By Christopher Duda (SugarBuzz Toronto)
SugarBuzz Magazine
“Hollywood Nights - you think you are a star but nobody knows who you are Hollywood Nights - your best lines go up your nose“- The School Girls
Drop everything you are doing and look up towards the stars. Look to the right of the great hunter Orion’s foot. From there, you should be able to spot a star that glitters brighter than the others.
From here on in this glittering star; now will be referred to as part of a larger constellation affectionately now referred to by name as “The School Girls.“ On any given night, a gold dust can haphazardly fall from the fringes of time and space. Contained within that gold dust, a shape resembling that of a space shuttle can be seen descending to earth. Once safely landing on this planet, four figures can be seen emerging from the outstretched ramp.
Upon closer analysis, it can be determined that it is possible these figures decked out in feather boas, platform shoes and satin pants could in fact be from another time period. Once on earth they survey the surroundings and make this announcement, “ We’re The School Girls. We are here to overtake and infiltrate the world with a healthy dose of old school glitter and glam. Wham Bam Thank You Mam“
It is about time that someone has looked to the past and figured out what went right with the Glam scene in the first place. The School Girls do just that. They are able to concentrate the best of T.Rex, Slade, Sweet, The New York Dolls, and The Hollywood Brats and generate a CD of grand proportions.
From “Rock and Roll Disco“ to “Hollywood Nights“, every song will have you digging for those platform boots that your father lovingly kept in the back of the closet. The School Girls even managed to secure Mike Garson of David Bowie’s Spider from Mars and Aladdin Sane to play piano on the track “Kitty Satellite“. If you happen to be a connoisseur of the first wave of Glam Rock, this would be an essential purchase. If you happen to be a fan of Rock and Roll, this would be an essential purchase!
10 Platform Boots out of 10!