Run Devil Run
Pitcher Perfect Tuesday
The Dragonfly
Hollywood, California
April 21, 2009
By Victoria Joyce
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Happy Anniversary Jeremy!
Diva Dayle Gloria’s wonderful rock club Pitcher Perfect has moved to the Dragonfly and she maintains her tradition of excellence and taste. Run Devil Run was on. Us too.

You know the drill, RDR is made up of the former members of the amazing Poets and Pornstars minus lead singer, Hal Ozman. Replaced with Jeremy Aric, Run Devil Run had it’s christening exactly one year ago. Awwwwwwww. Ain’t it sweet.
I swear, at first sight, at that first show, I thought Jeremy was the baby brother of any and all of the ex-PP’ers. His look, his style, voice and energy is such a dead-nuts great fit. A few shows later and a whole lot of time in the studio, the tight chemistry of Run Devil Run has forged to blue steel.
Being a Tuesday and also still in it’s start-up mode, Pitcher Perfect had a modest crowd gathered. And, hell, it was Earth Day and this is California. Some of us had trees to hug. The mood was loose and friendly, very family-style. So was the set. Real warm and fuzzy. Run Devil Run did all new songs with one old stand by and a nifty encore.
New songs are nicely crafted with directions of straight ahead classic blues rock with a glammy metal slam. Sensual stuff that bangs the head and rocks the body. Opener “Hey You” has shades of Elvis Costello’s “Pump It Up” with circular hooks on bass from Sally Hope, guitars from Tom “Domo” Dormoracki and Randy on keyboards. Followed by “Think You Better Go,” “Cali,” and “Strut” all with styled sophistication and clean vicious energy of the Stones and Zepplin,

“Beautiful Being” featured some fine sweeping piano work and singing from Randy that was very Leon Russell. “Dance” was a highly energetic song with nice electronic elements ala Beach Boy’s Pet Sounds and long slides on the bass and on lead guitar. Followed by “Just Evolving,” fun and sharp.
Big finish with “Rock and Roll” from the old days that Jeremy has made his own. Chorus “it’s just rock and roll to me” is a stadium anthem that turned the Dragonfly into the Staples Center. And just before this song, darling drummer Dave came from behind his kit and gave the announcement that this night was the one-year anniversary of Jeremy singing with them. I got all misty.
Next outing for Run Devil Run will be a free show at The House of Blues with Warner Drive May 15th. Go.
Since it was a school night, we had to be home before midnight. We split before second band, Diamond Lane took the stage, knowing full well we were missing another wonderful one. Ms. Gloria can pick them.
Next time D-Laners.