The Rotten Shambles
By Christopher Duda
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
Photo by Jim Lucio
SugarBuzz Magazine
The Rotten Shambles are well on their way to becoming papabile (meaning eligible or suitable to become Pope). Now, I am talking about a devil driven Pope of course!
Lurking out of the sewers and gutters of Baltimore, this motley clan of glammed out street urchins respect their elder statesmen (The N.Y Dolls, Motley Crue and Hanoi Rocks). However, they are able to take the path that the Dolls carved with a machete through the jungle (See they weren’t “Stranded in the Jungle”!) and adorn it full of accolades while keeping the original sleaze and grind.
This three-song ep demo should give you an idea of what to expect. C’mon, Boys lay a full release on us or better yet some tasty blood red vinyl!
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