Rock “N” Roll Stormtroopers
On Fire
Full Breach Kicks-2005
By Christopher
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
Full charge ahead! The wrecking crew are here with their bulldozers, steamrollers, and wrecking balls ready to tear down the existing crap that is pumped out on radio and shoved down societies ever so willing deep throats. You will do as you are told. You will listen to what you are told.
What were once today’s media darlings will be tomorrow’s trash.
It is always fresh as a deodorized sanitary pad to hear bands that throw caution to the windbags and play rock and roll for the sake of playing rock and roll with no umbilical cords attached.

Hailing from Germany, the Rock and Roll Stormtroopers are vying to come to your shores in their tiny cut off jean shorts and assault you with the virtues of Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers, Dictators, AC/DC, Slade and The Kids rock and roll style.
Serve with Becks beer.