Rock City Angels
Use Once and Destroy
By Lucky
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
I am not worthy. Dimitri (SugarBuzz USA) should be writing this. The grand wizard of words would exude clever colloquialisms, spontaneous prose, and bitter sweet indifferent characteristics, all the while taunting and tantalizing the reader to join the soulful legions of rocks inner truth. The literary legend of underground web and fanzines alike is a tried and true advocate of the mastery that is Rock City Angels, and this should be his finest hour. But his life journey has led him out of reach, down paths we fear to tread, and in the wind his compass points in my direction. I can only survey the horizon and anticipate an arrival. Embedded in my psyche are the words he last bestowed, “go ahead, yer more than qualified to teach the kids about Bobby Durango.” And so it goes…..
Take heed my brothers and sisters. Rock and Roll has once again reared its head in retaliation of the dreaded ho hum. Music that matters still resides, albeit not always on the airwaves, but in the hearts, souls and minds of those brave enough to seek it out and not conform. If it crosses my path, I share and sound the trumpet, and no louder will it resonate then for the new CD from Rock City Angels.

If you know Rock City Angels, you know the score. Florida, Hollywood, Depp, Geffen, Young Man’s Blues and oblivion. “Use Once and Destroy” indeed. Then 20 years later, the phoenix rises. Interesting read available elsewhere. No re-hash here. I always was a meat and potatoes kind of guy. Let’s dig in.
Revolution is arising, Mamas Red and Blue and Brother Clem say its so. Be ready, right now, right here, right now, because we are go fuckers! “Psychopath” grabs a hold and creepy crawlies up the central nervous system. Super raunchy ruckus rocks before the change up to melodic malady. Soaring sonic scenarios of sound seep from six strings. Durango doesn’t miss a step mixing old and new as you know were it’s been and where it hath going.
Serving up a sizzling slice of “Corrine” electrifies synapses supreme. Full frontal rock sans fake facades. Showing his hand, Durango seemingly snarls with determined direction. And hurray for Jimmy James’ kick ins; he’s in the spotlight and showing the love.
Not relinquishing possession, “I Got Your Heart” absolutely tears it up one side and down the other. Sporting an Idol sneer, this two and a half minute kicker gets the job done and then some. Exceptional listen close Rick Steff keys enhance ‘subliminal seduction”.

Placing a pit right in the stomach of any rebellious youngster, “Report Card Day” leaves no excuses for lackluster academic and sheer apathetic behavior. Seems the good for nothing just wants to rock. How many of us have been in this situation. Bobby is in the same boat. Rock City Angels dig the punk roots deep for this ala snot. Billie Joe is Green with envy and Mr. Yates addresses the class with tom tom tight. A lot of fun.
“Coffee and Cigarettes” has stained my teeth and etched a crevice in my brain. This is one of those songs you will pipe up when asked for all time favorites. Delightful Clash like crescendo and decrescendo lavish the landscape. Late night conversations kill, put on the pot. The additional wind instruments give this song an almost Orleans flavor and when the vocal effect kicks in the listener is transported back to The Heigh-Ho Club circa 1929. Everything and the kitchen sink in a trim-line package. Ace.
Home-boy Bukowski’s introductory excerpt from “Born into This” sets the stage for title track “Use Once and Destroy”. Sounding like apocalyptic spiders from mars, the madhouse spills out into the night like rats run amok. Bobby can hardly contain the agony of the wayward path as Jimmy reflects the pain. You’ll be begging to be dragged down too as it gets in under your skin.

A volatile driving blend of 60’s invasion garage ala The Animals and early Seeds psychedelic sowing shine forth on deep cut (I Ain’t No) Miracle Worker. This classic track written by Nanci Matz and Annette Tucker has been covered by legends such as The Chocolate Watchband, The Barracudas, The Brogues and don’t forget the unforgettable Great Scots. Simple man put on a pedestal, can’t make no promises baby. Rock City Angles retain the swinging sound while bringing it full force into the twenty first century.
The true grit of “Keep Fighting” packs a powerful punch upside the noggin. Come on down to the winners circle and dump the loser. Worse for wear, but not defeated, you’ll dig in deep and spit. Break the chains running with this uplifting Positraction.
More punk edge than morphed exile glam, Bobby has the runny noise and greased panache in tow as he sports “Convicted”. More in the vain of Ramones, Social D. and The Mansfields, this jailhouse straight to hell vent of anger will put some piss and vigor in your swagger.
Downtrodden misery never hurt so good as the beseeching blue note “Comeback”. Lovelorn lusciousness languishes longingly. Wallow in the feel good pass the brown bag. Make your move, before it’s too late. I got the blues for you.

Opening with what seeems to be Mr. Rogers psychedelic neighbrohood testimonials, “Divine Asylum” sends out a lysergic invitation for a journey inside Bobby Durango’s mind. Swirling trails of color building within keys and flange. Visionary escapeism, let your troubles flow. Take a giant step outside and find.
And so it ends….. Shugsters, take the money you saved by burning your mom’s copy of Chinese Democracy and slap it down for Use Once and Destroy. As for me, I’ sitting on the front porch listening to Rock City Angels; all the while keeping an eye to the wind and an ear to the ground. Dimitri, the bomb pops be waiting.