Radio Birdman
Zeno Beach 2006
Crying Sun Records/Yep Roc Records
By Christopher Duda
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
Band Photo By Tony Mott
Icarus has risen from between the mountains with a new set of wings. Ready to take flight to the skies towards the sun and past the heavens.
Radio Birdman are often recognized as Australia’s first punk rock band; however they should be lauded as a heavy weight contender in the cutthroat world of rock and roll. Radio Birdman deserves more. They warrant purple hearts. Great music was mutated and spawned from the launching pad of the Birdman.
Birdman started it all in the land down under with inherent qualities of engine grease, rubber, and pollution. Drunk on Stooge pills and MC5 shooters they sniped out all signs of classic rock and played their rock and roll loud, fast dirty, and absolute.
Check out “Radios Appear” and “Living Eyes” first to get a better understanding of where the birdman flew. Zeno Beach does not stray from that original modus operandi. Radio Birdman kick it up a notch and pop sockets with this release.

Thirty years plus Radio Birdman looked to the Motorcity and now the Motorcity should look to them.
An essential purchase.