Chase Abraham
A Phoenix Forever
By Rock N' Write
(SugarBuzz Las Vegas)
SugarBuzz Magazine
The desert calls once again. These days its skies are anxious, waiting upon the phoenix to stretch it’s broad wings. Las Vegas has already proven to breed the best of the best in music. Now, get ready. A new band soars upward and onward…A Phoenix Forever is about to launch themselves into the desert sky and beyond. Here’s my interview with bass player Chase Abraham as he takes us on a flight into their world.
How did you all meet?
Chase - Long story, Ryan, Tony and I (Chase) went to high-school together actually. Tony and Ryan have been making music together since then. During that time, they lost their old drummer and found Nick. I was just good friends with them during this time and was in different bands with Kyle. Long story short, they needed a bass player and they asked me to do it, then we decided Kyle would be an excellent choice. Boom!
How did A Phoenix Forever come about?
Chase - Tony, Ryan and Nick were all in a band together named Fletch. Fletch came to an end and they started APF. Over the course of time they lost a couple members and Kyle and I joined.
Explain the meaning behind the band name.
Chase - I'm not sure...something about mythical birds and the state of Arizona. And by mythical birds and Arizona, I'm not talking about the Arizona Cardinals. Although Larry Fitzgerald's receiving skills have been described as mythical.
I'm going to assume you didn't name the band, and that you are an avid sports fan.Am I right?
Chase - That would be correct, I did not name the band. And I wouldn't consider myself to be an avid sports fan, but I do enjoy me some football, Vikings football, in particular.
Tell us about the upcoming album.
Chase - The upcoming album is our very first full-length record. So far it's looking like its going to be about 11 tracks long and is tentatively titled "The Way Back Home", although, that may change.

Are there any collaborations on this album?
Chase - To me, every song on the album is a collaboration. Each one of us adds something to every song. We've been tossing around a few ideas of other musicians to come and sing on the album with us, and we have a few ideas that involve bringing all of our friends into the studio and doing sing-alongs with us.
What influenced the music in this album?
Chase - Life and the changing of it influenced the album. On top of that, the music that we listen to and our friends have a big impact on the music and meaning of the songs.
Who are your influences?
Chase - I'm speaking for everyone here, so I'll do my best to include something that everyone would say. I'll play it safe and say that bands like New Found Glory, Jimmy Eat World, and Blink-182 have been big influences on our song writing over the years, although we all listen to a extremely wide array of music. Aside from that tiny list of bands I mentioned, I'd say that our friends, families, and lives have been an influence on the record.
What is the connection with you and The Killers?

Chase - There really isn't one. We're from the same town and I bought their albums, does that count?
I'll allow it to count! Tell me you can rock out to any of their songs with your eyes shut? Personally, I've only been able to do that on bass to one song, but that's just me.
Chase - The Killers definitely have songs that make me want to groove a little bit. Ya know, as a bass player myself, I've never learned any of their songs on bass. That'll fit nicely on my to-do list.
Where’s home for you guys?
Chase - Our home is in the bright and beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada.
Have you been in any other bands? Which ones?
Chase - Tony, Nick and Ryan were all in a band called "Fletch" for years. Kyle and I have been in two bands together "The Collection" and "The Countdown". We're all much happier now.
Any formal music training?

Chase - Kyle has had lessons on almost every instrument in our band. Tony actually teaches piano lessons, so if you're in the greater Las Vegas Area, contact our band and Tony will arrive at your house with his piano in hand.
Wow! Talk about full service! If Tony can bring a baby grand to the Greater Orange County area, let him know I'm down!
Chase - Be careful what you wish for, that little man has got some drive and ambition, he'll bring an orchestra if need be.
I can only imagine how that would go down with my HOA. On a serious note however, what do you enjoy most about the music business?
Chase - I think we all just enjoy creating music together and meeting cool people along the way.
Any of you take the business angle with this band or is it pure creative work on your part?
Chase - I think we all take the business angle from time to time when we need to. No of us are ever in full business mode. We're really just five slightly creative guys who write songs together.
Do you play live shows? If so where?
Chase - Right now, our focus is on finishing the album. Once that is done, we'll be all over the country playing songs from it for everyone. We'll probably be having a big CD release show planned soon for our Vegas fans and friends.

What’s your favorite thing to do outside the band stuff?
Chase - I play video games until my eyes turn red and watch movies. Kyle enjoys long, extremely eventful nights with friends. Ryan sleeps and enjoys his laptop companion. Nick Skateboards and eats too much candy, if there is such thing. Tony watches movies with me, plays a bunch of music and reads. I know, we're outta control!
I couldn't come up with a better concoction within a band myself. Sounds like you all complement each other quite well and if my guess is right again, you even finish each others sentences?
Chase - Funny you should say that, Ryan and I always simultaneously say "It's like we finish each others...sandwiches".
In that case, let me make sure I bring a couple of hoagie sandwiches with me next time I’m at your show! Any tours planned?
Chase - Nothing is quite on the books yet, but we plan on being all over...and I mean... ALL OVER.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Chase - Hopefully I see myself in a mirror in 5 years. Vampires are the trend.
Describe today’s punk scene as you know it.

Chase - If I had to sum it up in one word, I'd say... "political".
What stumbling blocks have you faced if any?
Chase - Our main stumbling block was watching Tavaris Jackson QB for the Vikings. They're much better with Brett Favre. But seriously, the band was going through a hard time for a while and everyone in it was sort of questioning if it was going to continue. Obviously, things have changed for the better and we aren't going anywhere...not for a while anyways.
What has been your favorite venue to play?
Chase - Honestly, I've never even played a show in this band. I joined, learned the songs, started working on the album and then started recording the album. I'm sure they would all say they enjoy playing the House of Blues in Vegas. I enjoyed watching them there before.
Describe the Vegas music scene as you know it.
Chase - I'm not sure how I'd describe it. I do know that there is a need of venues for local bands to play. Aside from that, there really is a bunch of talent all over Vegas, keep your ears open.

Complete the sentence…What happens in Vegas…
Chase - Ryan got a text about.
Thank you Chase for taking the time to chat with us here at SugarBuzz Magazine. As for me, I’m on to making those hoagie sandwiches. For more information on A Phoenix Forever, check them out at www.myspace.com/aphoenixforever