on the record with...
Jonne Aaron
By Marianne Behm
(SugarBuzz Finland)
Photos by Marianne Behm
SugarBuzz Magazine
Negative is a famous rock band that emerged in Finland in 1997. Playing an emotional, powerful style of music with lyrics that are deep and touching like a novel, combining heartfelt tales. The band is sounding tighter than ever and the members sync well together. Definitely, Negative has found a style that suits the members and the group, as well as their fans and audiences. Let's hear what’s going on in the band.
Hi Jonne, what's up and what's the feeling today?
Thanks for asking, not bad! We are just about to start rehearsing new songs for the next NGT album.
Let's go back to a time when you were just a young boy with a dream. How did it all start, and how did you get involved in the music business?

I was 12 when I got my first acoustic guitar from my dad and around that time I saw a concert on TV that changed my life. After seeing the show I decided that`s what I`m gonna do. It was Guns`n`Roses Paris live 1992. Negative is my one and only.
I must say that you're a very good lookin' group, and you've that special Emotional Rock clothing style. I can see it's a perfect mix of charming glamour, punk style and something new. Who were your biggest influences for your style and music?
Each of us have our own heroes, I`m listening from classical to heavy. I`m lucky to have such a good looking band.
Negative released a new single "Fading Yourself" in the early part of 2007. How do you feel your band has developed or evolved through the years?
Developing is inevitable when you make tours like we do. Negative is like good wine, the older, the better ;)
You've have obtained great success and fans all over the world, and you've been pretty busy lately touring with your band. How does it feel? Do you like being on the road?
Negative was formed for live shows. I love to be on the road. To me being on stage is like having a really good sex.

How do you exercise and stay in such great shape?
I run 2-3 times in a week
What do your fans mean to you?
Seventh member of the band...
As for your background, you released your first single 'The Moment of Our Love' in 2003 and as well the album 'War of Love' in the same year. Do you feel you still have that same fire inside of you when we talk about making music?
Of course, otherwise I would already be doing something else. I think that I have a gift and I have to use it.
Okay, let's talk about the band's writing process.. what is the songwriting process for you?
I play something at home and one chord leads to another. I take ideas to the guys and we start to jam at the rehearsal. Usually I write some of the lyrics in the studio, while we record.
Are you the one who's writing the songs, or is the whole band involved in the creative process?
I write most of stuff, but we do all arrangements together as a band.
Do you write the music first and then the lyrics?

You write very touching lyrics. Are there some real stories behind some of them?
I like to write about real things. As I have said before, it`s like writing a diary. My heart`s like an open book, for the whole world to read.
What are some of the really memorable events for you this past year?
The whole Anorectic tour, I think this was definitely the best tour ever in Negative`s history. We hopefully got many new fans.
What are your plans for the near future?
We gonna put out the first Negative DVD -In The Eye Of The Hurricane in January 2008. Now we are rehearsing for the next studio album which is supposed to be out next spring. After that we gonna hit back on the road.
Sounds interesting.. Can you mention some highlights of your musical career?

Negative just won EMA 2007 Best Finnish Act Award, which was voted on by fans all over the world. That really warms my heart.
Wow, that’s great. What was the best advice you ever received from your friends on your road to the stars? You've already come quite a way.
Nothing else matters...
Thank you for your time, Jonne. Wishing you all the best with your music career and your life. Keep the Rock'n Roll spirit alive!