The Naysayers
Dollar Record Records-2005
By Christopher Duda (SugarBuzz Toronto)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Main Entry: nay/say/er
Pronunciation: ’nA-“sA-er
Function: noun
one who denies, refuses, opposes, or is sceptical or cynical about something
From Merriam -Webster Dictionary
Alcohol and rock and roll seem to compliment each other rather nicely. The Naysayers and alcohol seem to compliment each other rather nicely. Rock and Roll. Alcohol. Go together like a horse and carriage. Okay, I will shut up.
San Francisco’s own bring you back to a time when drinking and blaring tunes out in the woods (or some secluded area) was a North American youths favourite pastime. Drink, Fuck and Fight. Hand me a goddamn sweatband!
Immediately upon the first spin of the CD, early Bon Scott era AC/DC will enter through your ear tunnel to some crack or crevice within that ugly round talking thing on your shoulders.
Now if you listen a little closer you might even think you are listening to early Rose Tattoo (okay I know they sound like AC/DC too). However, the trained nerdy record reviewer who eats, shits, and breathes rock and roll can pick up the subtle differences.
Has anyone out there ever got into Slade’s LP from 1970 Play it Loud! The Naysayers have a similar feel to Slades hard rock elements on that lp combined with some excellent Neil Young type soloing (getting that Canadian quota up there!). Jason Hayes-Stewarts vocals have a booze soaked appeal that lends well to the gritty Stones like ballads on this release
Turn your friends who listen to classic rock onto something new!
The Naysayers are the gospel truth!