Murder City Devils
Live @ The Showbox-Market
Seattle, WA
February, 2009
text & pixs by Cheryl
(SugarBuzz Seattle)
SugarBuzz Magazine
It began with a flutter in the stomach followed shortly by the nervous laughter and anxious salivation, like the feeling one gets approaching the rollercoaster dive, unsure if you are going to laugh, piss your pants or puke. This was the vibe in the packed crowd who shouted for the Murder City Devils to take the stage at their sold-out reunion show at the Showbox Market in downtown Seattle.
The reminiscent, drunken murmurs of “Dude, remember when we saw that Devils show at the Breakroom back in the day?” came to a screeching halt as the Murder City Devils took the stage. “Get Off the Floor” kicked off the set commanding a fevered explosion in the crowd of flailing arms, piercing shrieks, airborne drink cups… and from my vantage point of the pit-front and center, someone nearby may have even experienced loss of bodily functions. Elbows and steel toes are the only defense where the Devils sound like a riot looks!
Out of Leslie Hardy’s haunting organ erupted the swagger of “Press Gang” and “Idle Hands”, giving way to fast, frenzied and furious riffs of Dann Galluci and Nate Manny while drummer Coady Willis showed the kit a serious beat-down. Mic-swallowing Spencer Moody gravely growls the slow music of the spirit in “Dear Heart” that made us want to touch, or rather, made some asshole with a neck beard slam around in a veiled attempt to cop-a-boob in the pressed crowd.
After an escape out of the pit to the side, the sweat-glistening crowd billowed on the punk-drunk core “Dance Hall Music” and “I Drink the Wine” and determined to keep moshing to the slow and somewhat creepy “Midnight Service at the Mutter Museum.” Influences of B-horror flicks and garage grit of the Stooges and New York Dolls, the Devils pay homage to “Johnny Thunders”, a man who died with a guitar in his hands.

By encore time, cult fans nearby began placing bets on their favs yet to be played. Before you can say ‘murder city riot’, the Devils busted out “18 Wheels” and “Broken Glass” with Spencer taking a stage-dive-turn-crowd-walk out into the still fired-up (and now sobering-up) crowd.
The Murder City Devils disbanded at their peak in 2001 after 5 years together, biding farewell with their last show at the Showbox on Halloween. They have played only a handful of shows since their reunion in 2006 at the Capitol Hill Block party and now embark on mini reunion-esque tour along the west coast.
Having seen the Devils a number of times over the years, they still sound damn good, just like a riot looks. Don’t touch anything unless you can make it sound this good.
Vocals: Spencer Moody (Triumph of Lethargy Skinned Alive to Death)
Bass: Derek Fudesco (Pretty Girls Make Graves)
Guitar: Dann Gallucci (A Gun Called Tension, Triumph of Lethargy Skinned Alive to Death)
Guitar: Nate Manny
Keyboard: Leslie Hardy
Drums: Coady Willis (Big Business, The Melvins)