Reviews of Monsters and Booze
By Christopher Duda
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Sick Fits
Full Breach-2007
Spoiled Brats with ADD and a low supply of Ritalin will perpetuate constant thrusts of “The Fits”.
From the Nations Crapital (not a dig at Ottawa rather Harper and his right wing moralist goose steppin’ cronies- hell what do I know about politics anyways?) The Fits come ripping down Parliament Hill fed on Exile on Main Street and acting like Hollywood Brats (and a sideways flirting glance to The Boys).

Produced by Paul Fenton of original Canadian Punks-The Action (reunion?). Paul manages to nail that sleazy underbelly booze fed, pill poppin swagger of running mascara and track marks. This should be blaring from every hipster ghetto this red-hot summer.
High Watt Electrocutions
Night Songs-2007
Instrospection Records

For the purpose of this review we will be taking a trip (Key word) on a fantastic voyage down the ear canal passage and onwards and upwards to that throbbing grey substance known as brainicus maximus followed by a slippery ride out the porous cells on the back of a newly released endorphin.
Spacemen 3 drone and Stooges feedback mindblenderfuck. Sweltering throbbing summer sex like mechanical robots pounding hipbones like well lubed oilrigs. Festering for eternity until the music stops. Let me go. I want off this insane clown driven merry go round. Only recommended for elitists who actually get good loud music. FuZz Off!
She Wolves
Mach One (The Early Days)-2007
Poptown Records
Gnarling, Rabid, Guttural, Growling, Curled Quivering Lip, Sharp Yellow Fangs, Flecks of Spittle.
The hair on the back of your pencilgeeking neck will stand at attention like a Ron Jeremy’s purple helmet member.

Lunging towards the seduction, submitting, drowning in the dance of the macabre. Enter the thigh high PVC boots. Down comes the heel into the flesh of life. Nine Tails cracking the eardrums of the petrified business elite. Stare into the eyes of The She Wolves.
The sounds of the She Wolves have been adorned with the likes of Sylvain Sylvain and excellent contributions from the queen of rock and roll-Jayne County. If Jayne’s version of The Dead Kennedy’s-California Uber Alles doesn’t have your rolls of fat quivering then you as lame as Arnie’s limp sausage.

The Neutrinos
One Way Kiss-2007
Wetnurse Records
The Neutrinos usually hand out wads of cash at gigs and have bought their way into many an adoring fans tainted indie hearts. Planting of disinformation might not be the wisest move- however, I figure if people are only reading the first line of the review they can find out for themselves that the truth lies in the fact, that The Neutrinos prefer if you hand them money at their gigs!
As Malcolm said-“Cash for Chaos”. Karen’s (vox) three level octave range will peel the crust off your gold lame studded g-string faster then you can floss your teeth. Karen poisons you with a sultry Chrissie Hynde toughness and a rabid PJ Harvey inseminating Nick Cave. If “Eat My Hole” doesn’t awaken you from your slumbering nonage then go back to the small dark hole in the sidewalk.
The Neutrinos are destined to titillate and conquer.