Mission of Burma
The Obliterati
Matador Records-2006
By Christopher
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
Band Photo By Kelly Davidson
Justifying or disproving the existence of Jesus Christ would be an easier task than explicating the cadence, articulation, and meter of Mission of Burma.
Recently having the privilege to witness the euphoric trance like wall of sound for the second time; had me professing to anyone that would lend an inviting ear that Mission of Burma are one of the most misunderstood and accomplished bands of this century. Perhaps, only the solid fan base understands the complex alchemy they weave. That alone is a crime of treason! Repent you sinners!

The Obliterati is testimony that Mission of Burma offer sacrificial aural pleasure on levels that most bands could only begin to dream of. Bountiful in their offerings will require repeated listens but will bequest inheritance or acquisition for many a year to come.