The Mexicolas
Song 101 Promotional Copy
By Lucky (SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
The sun is out, summer has eased the torment, and it is a God given perfect day here in Southern California. What a better way to enjoy it than play hooky from the mundane day job, hop in the car and cruise. Destination unknown. And the piece de resistance is popping in my new promotional copy of The Mexicolas three song splice of heaven. (Not for resale baby). It doesn’t get any better than this.
Hailing from Birmingham England, this 3-piece Brit band has created a musical experience that has heightened my mood to euphoric proportions.
“Song 101” is the first cut on this disc. I dare you to listen to this and not be happy. Featuring a lush swirl of a chorus and a catchy guitar hook. Recharge your battery.
“Easy Smile” is like breathing in a deep breath of sea air on a peaceful, uncluttered beachhead. Wall of sound emanates forth. Turn it loud.
The best of the bunch, if I had to pick one is “Darko”. Soaring like a bird in the clouds, it breaks free into the light and swoops. Building higher and higher, reaching a peak with a cool keyboard bit. Like the ending sustain, it will linger in your soul.
Get in touch with yourself…..