Tony Grinder
Means To An End
By Rock N' Write
(SugarBuzz Las Vegas)
SugarBuzz Magazine
If I had to come up with a quote to describe frontman Tony Grinder of Means To An End, it would go something like this: “When drive meets the driven.” Musician and stock car racer, not to mention outside-of-the-box thinker, Grinder takes his music on the fast lane, merging his two worlds into one to deliver a unique experience for the masses.
Formed in 2002, LA/Vegas based band Means To An End breathes life into the industrial/rock genre and fills it’s thirsty veins with sounds reminiscent to Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, and White Zombie. Their video “Be Like Me” summons gothic vibes, tantalizes the tame, and challenges the innocent to unleash their innermost dark self. Now take this mental image, and try placing it in the world of NASCAR or the like. Hmmmm. As seen in Grinder’s upcoming reality show “The Ringmaster”, not the easiest challenge to take. But as I said, Grinder is a driven man, especially in the figurative sense.
I had the amazing opportunity to chat with Grinder about the fearless road he traverses with his unconventional pursuits to music, racing, and well, everything else he pursues from building the world’s largest pool to playing arena sized venues. And by the way, Means To An End has ONLY played arenas, never setting foot in a bar or club. How is that? Buckle up and experience a world driven by Tony Grinder.
Race car driver? Rocker?
How do YOU define yourself? Well in my mind im both... I started off at early age as a racer...BMX bicycles, gokarts, motorcycles, jet Skis...pretty much anything I owned I ended up trcking out and racing it, so that has been in my blood and alot of who I am. But thats not to say I dont get enjoyment out of my other endeavors; being on stage is gratifying as well,and releases my inner personality... but it doesnt quench the desire to beat someone to a finish line...it that competitive thing ya know?
I saw a clip from your reality show "The Ringmaster". Tell us a little more about that.
These days I am pretty focused on the band, but I also own Grindco Entertainment, and I produce some unusual live action sports tours with a whole crew of freaks (its like a circus), one being the H2X indoor watershows and also the current APOCALYPSE WORLD masquerade & music tour with the band this fall...so some television producers want to follow us around for a year and document all the stuff we do on the road, and because of our appearance and the new concept tours we are doing invading small towns and shocking the locals.
Being a musician, do you have any challenges with gaining respect in the race car world?
Absolutely! Mainly because of my physical appearance, Im not the average looking guy that shows up at a NASCAR race! I am definitely judged before I get into the car...and tested by other drivers...but I am a racer, and I go pretty good in those cars, and can hold my own, and with the other drivers that really is what matters. Im not out there wrecking people left and right, I wouldnt even try do anything I dont feel im good at, and I CAN race those things!
Do you ever think about the dangers of the race?
We all know what can happen when we climb into one of those cars...but I also know what can happen when Im jumping my dirt bike, or throwing myself off a jump Snowboarding...but you dont dwell on it. I do these things because they are fun and bring me enjoyment, the consequences really dont get aknowledged...my family and girlfriends have a different opinion though.
You've created the world's largest pool with the Extreme Watersports Show, H2X. Maybe I'm living under a rock, but I've never heard of this kind of show. I'd love to know how that came about and if you ever plan on putting together another event like it?
Oh yeah, there are worldwide dates being booked right now for H2X. When I raced Jet Ski's a few years back, there had been some Indoor races in France, I thought the idea was cool, and researched, engineered and constructed the world largest portable pool here in the States. I created more of a show out of it with acrobats, Wakeboarding, Jet Ski and all colored lights and music. This is probably the biggest tour ive produced for arenas and stadiums...until I come back and fill them all up with snow....stay tuned!
You also own the record label, Grindco Entertainment. What's new or upcoming with Grindco?
Right now we have a distribution deal through SONY for the Grindco label, we also have a home DVD library of Action Sports videos from the shows we have performed over the years. We will be releasing several volumes of the videos online, and the new single from Means to an End titled- "Be Like Me" is about to be released in Sept. and we will be supporting it on the APOCALYPSE WORLD masquerade & music tour...its a giant costumed event where the audience becomes part of the post-apocalyptic" setting.
Your band is called Means To An End. You've got a killer video out "Be Like Me". What was the inspiration behind the song and video?
Well I have my personal motivation behind the lyrical content, but I write a bit metaphorically so fans can take it their own way...so I will have to leave that part open-ended. As for the video its basically a transformation scene of a average type person, seeing a live show, being influenced and unleashing her inner dark side. We also show some of the fire and freakshow performers that are performing at our band shows this year.
Originally from LA, but you've temporarily moved to Vegas?
Yeah, Im kind of back and forth alot. The production people and alot of whats needed for the tours is in Las Vegas so Im there alot...but the heart is always in So. Cal!
How do you compare the LA and Vegas rock scene personally?
Totally different! There is such a transiant, tourist crowd that passes through Vegas on weekends, and usually want to hear cover bands play songs they already know, there virtually is no original live music scene there at all, with the exception of the occasional national big name acts that come through. Completely opposite from Hollywood.
Any upcoming tours or shows in the near future?
APOCALYPSE WORLD masquerade and music tour dates start in October in the U.S., then a few European dates this winter...H2X watershow dates start this winter as well with dates in England, Korea, and then a full U.S. tour in 2011.
I've saved the best question for last...Pedal to the metal, or metal to the pedal??
HaHa BOTH... equally as hard!