The Mansfields
Cramp Your Style
By Lucky
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Reports are coming in from all directions. Seems the entire European continent is in a frenzy. Mansfield sightings are running rampant, spreading faster than the dreaded black plague. Torch and pitchfork bearing hordes swarm the hills looking to string these bad boys from the rafters. Grab your daughters and lock your doors, Doug, Dave and Tommy are roaming the moors.
That’s right Shugsters; The Mansfields are in the first leg of an extensive European tour that you do not want to fucking miss! Blasting out tunes from their latest gotta love it CD entitled, ‘Cramp Your Style’, the ruffian renegades from Colorado are creepy crawling their way to you.
Balls out and true to their roots, “Shake Some Action” kicks you in the teeth with a get your ass moving wake up call. Loud, Fast Trash never applied better than on this Mansfield original corker. Burning rubber on a drag strip to hell, hold on tight cause Tommy Mansfield is at the wheel.

Everybody just loves a song with a girls name for the title and wait till you shoot your load on “Roxy”. Trashy rock girl, you know you want her bad. Super catchy sing along type song. Bubblegum and GTO rock n roll fun.
“Lipstick Killer” is as much an ode to Manhattan nightlife as it is a Dolls homage. Unisex glam banger in a subway tunnel of love. Up all night, sleep all day, thrill seeker deluxe.
Graceland be the destination in this rollicking rock-a-billy road trip called “Halfway to Memphis”. But they are not stopping at Elvis, as other legends suck as Perkins and Cash shine a light. Dave makes it sound perfectly upright.
Plug in the electrodes and crank up the volts. It’s the electro shock dance craze called the “Frankenstein Twist” and everybody over at the castle is doing it in style. Visions of bubbly test tubes, bats in the belfry and mad scientists performing experiments on scantly clad female creations come to mind. And what they do to that cocktail table!
Traditional track “Just Because” written by Bob and Joe Shelton with Sid Robin and preformed by the likes of Elvis, Brenda Lee and in a deep down bluegrass way by The Shelton Brothers themselves, fits The Mansfields to a tee. Doug brings home the bacon with spot on.
When we grow old and decrepit, we will still have our “Tattoos and Memories”. This is classic Mansfields at its best. You know, that sound that grew fond in our hearts and loins. One of the great things about this band is that they continue to expand their musical reach, but always deliver the style of goods that got them were they are today. This is such.
Spooky beyond spook, “Who wants to be a Zombie Anyways?” has a haunting Doug Mansfield organ lurking like a light fog wafting into the town square. Cold chills run up and down your spine as the moaning, decomposing, rotting come to feast on your flesh. If you want to join the legions, pay the price. Haunt a house baby. Swinging style incorporates The Munsters, Ed Wood, James Bond and the Cramps.

“NYC Rock-N-Roll” takes us back to the Big Apple for a night of drinking, fighting, fucking, and of course rocking the night away. Hanging on the Bowery (CBGB’S Fuckers), beers at Manitoba’s, crashing The Chelsea with The Ramones and Johnny Thunders. For three guys from Colorado, they sure have the NYC Rock vibe lit. Electrifying fret tearing it up!
Keeping the momentum moving is my favorite “Fashion Tramp” hanging by the record machine. Hey Hey Hey! Rock and Roll Formula 101 kicker from start to finish. Why the fuck am I not hearing this on Little Steven’s Underground Garage? Hey Handsome Dick, take note brother.
Another hillbilly hoe-down comes in the ripping rendition of Arthur Gunther’s hit “Baby Let’s Play House”, made smash a tad later by some guy named Elvis. Flash you fins, break out the Brylcream, and get you switchblade ready. Rumble time.
Sending us off in the sunset is the punk rock Americana sure-fire “”If We Ever Part”. These are the times of our lives, young and free to be. Sadly this too shall pass so cherish the now babies. Then “I’ll Miss You”.
Check The Mansfield’s page for European tour dates and get you asses there fuckers!