The Mansfields
The Cat Club
Hollywood, CA
April 3, 2006
By Lucky (SugarBuzz Hollywood)
Photos By Lucky
Hey Ho Let’s Go down to The Cat Club on Sunset Boulevard to catch one of the hottest acts rocking our frickin planet. I am talking about The Mansfields babies!
Roaring up and down on their west coast tour, this is the first time The Mansfields have been in our neck of the woods for sometime. As a matter of fact, it has been two and a half years since their last show at the now defunct Pretty Ugly Club. Where the hell have you been fuckers?
Well I will tell you, The Mansfields have been busy playing to sold out crowds in their home town in Colorado, playing to packed to the rafters clubs, pubs and juke joints in the Southern and Midwest United States, and have completed two, count em, two European tours since they last laid waste to L.A. They also found time to complete an absolute must have concert DVD. (Reviewed here.)
So after an excruciating long wait to revel in Mansfield madness, they have returned to Hollywood, thanks in part to Happenin Harry, whom had the brains to snag this act up for his weekly Sunday night show at The Cat Club. (What were you other club promoters thinking? You snooze You lose!)
Thinking the band was hitting the stage at 10pm, we headed down early to hang with the boys and have a round. We had lots of time as the start time for The Mansfields was bumped up to 11. Upstairs in the loft area I got to catch up with Tommy, Doug, Dave and their dedicated crew Jen and Mike. We talked all about their goings on, business ventures, wacky shit and life on the road. And in turn I told them all about my crazy misadventures along life’s path. It was really great to hang with you all! But it had to come to an end, as it was showtime!
And showtime it was as The Mansfields tore into opener “Broke On Christmas” with Doug taking center stage on the mic. Damn it was loud in the tiny club, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.
“Gimme Something To Do” followed and the reality finally hit that the wait was really over, here they were in the flesh, kicking ass big time. Tommy Mansfield on the skins was just so fucking in the pocket. Tight ass groove deluxe!
Fan favorite “Dumb Fuck In Love” from the bands Sappy Songs For Summer Nights CD was up next and sounded as good as the first day I heard it. By this time the people there that just were regulars on the scene and not specifically there to see The Mansfields, were saying, “Who the fuck are these guys?” “They are fucking great!”. Yeah, what you think I have been telling the masses for several years now?
The tiny Cat Club stage shook like never before as “Somebody’s Gonna Get Jumped” was delivered with unrelenting power. Mr. Dave Mansfield is just an animal pure and simple and he wasn’t going to let a little space constraint get in his way! Jumping up and down and running back and forth you would think this guy was playing Madison Square Garden.
“This City Kills” lead way to their scorching rendition of The Ramones “Beat On The Brat”. It is no secret that The Mansfields are huge Ramones fans, even religiously performing every year on Joey Ramones birthday a special all Ramones song tribute show.
Up next was a new song for the band. Look out Chubby Checker, it’s the “Frankenstein Twist”. This new blaster shows the bands creative juices just keeps on flowing. A super fun, super great, horror, monster, rockabilly-influenced work. Absolutely loved it.
Keeping that spooky theme going was “Night Of The Living Creeps”. Doug’s twangy guitar work is ace thanks to his talents, and the Les Paul and Fender amp combination.
Another favorite off of the band’s Loud, Fast, Punk, Trash, Rock-N-Roll CD was “Tear It Up”. Yeah “It” being the city of Hollywood on this special night. The place was in shreds!
You know, no Mansfields review would be complete if I failed to mention behind the scenes guy Mike. Mike has been with The Mansfields for like ever and any band would give their left nut to have this guy on their crew. Mike does it all, roadies; stage-manages, runs the fog machine and lights, and just gives the band support. Tonights over all show presentation owed much to Mike’s precise timing and dedication. You Rock!
The Luckster theme song was next. “I’m In Love With My Bad Attitude” really made my night as I have listened and sang along to this hit thousands of times. And all the while the song never loses it’s magic.
Winding up the show was “Wreck Of The Old 97” and Billy Idol masterpiece “Dancin’ With Myself”. What a great finale. I was euphoric and really bumming at the same time, as after such a long wait, the show was over just like that. I need MORE!
I hung around quite a bit after the show yucking it up with New York Dolls members Sylvain Sylvain and Sam Yaffa (both in town for a special private Dolls show the next night) and The Mansfields gang.
I also spent some time chatting to Jen, another dedicated Mansfields staffer and that special someone to guitarist Doug. Jen is in charge of all the really great merchandise. When the band hits your town you must get your hands on some of this. (Not Jen, the merchandise!)
In closing, The Mansfields are still on the road, so go to their web pages and check for dates and venues. Do it NOW!