Magic Christian
The Cat Club
Hollywood, CA
May 26, 2006
By Lucky
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
It was a groov-a-delic blast of good time vibes as Magic Christian was back in town for a two night City Of Angeles stint. Thursday they played at Spaceland in Silverlake and tonight was the shindig down at the old Cat Club.
The Spaceland gig was a great success from what I have been told, with the exception of Alec’s car being broken into at a pancake house after the show. His beloved Rickenbacker bass guitar and other gear were jacked. Any info on this heist would greatly be appreciated.

I arrived early in my full on mod regalia, well at least in my mind’s eye. Tight pin-stripped pants, linen shirt, and the coolest suede half boots that were made in the sixties. I actually inherited these boots from the late hipster Bobby True ( I miss you so much Bobby!), along with 3 other pairs of suede shoes, a tuxedo, an awesome shirt identical to the ones worn by The Monkees on the cover of their first album, and assorted pieces of memorabilia from the original Playboy Clubs. I was ready to rock.
Arriving early I had enough time to hit The Rainbow Bar and Grill and say hello to some old and new friends. The Bow was already beginning to swing and I knew I was destined to return after the show was over. A quick cold one and I was off down The Sunset Strip to The Cat Club.
Once at The Cat Club, I made a mad dash inside to groove to opening act, Cameron Dye and The Matches. Their set was in full swing and they really knocked me out. Read Victoria’s review of their set here.
Once Cameron and band finished up, I sought out my Magic Christian cohorts to catch up before they hit the stage. Now one question was on my mind since my last review of Magic Christian (Here). Exactly what year was Cyril Jordan’s Dan Armstrong Plexiglass guitar? Guess what, I was right, 1969 babies! Do I know my shit or what! What was more awesome is that Cyril told me it was number 86. WOW! (I think he said 86, to be honest, at the time I had another number on my mind, Uno Cinco Uno.)

Any way, Magic Christian got the joint hopping with “Turn Up The Heat” and didn’t let up till the final backbeat. Cyril Jordan’s guitar mastery and unique sound let you know the score and front man Paul Kopf was in top vocal and stage presence form.
I was really digging the eclectic mix of peps that turned out for the show. Young scenesters and slightly aged music conisures. The vibe was right and everyone was tuned in.
The audience was treated to Magic Christian hits like “All the Stars” “My Gal” and “Right Back Where I Started”. And a real treat came when Magic Christian played “Something New” era Beatles hits “Any Time At All” and “Things We Said Today”. Pure magic ensued.

SugarBuzz kudos’ go out to Victor, whom was on a mission to fill in for drummer Prairie Prince, whom is currently on tour with The New Cars. Victor performed like he has been with the band since day one. The rumor mill is telling me that Victor may become El Permanento due to Prairie’s hectic schedule. We shall see.
And Alec did a fine job breaking in his brand new Rickenbacker, purchased just hours before. Flawless bottom end Alec, and I am NOT talking about your ass!
Always leaving the audience wanting more, Magic Christian said good night and heading out into the neon lit night. As for me, I headed back down to The Bow and relived my youth in evil and diabolical ways. Old habits apparently die hard for the Luckster!
Till next time.Keep supporting your local music scene.
