Love Rush
Atlanta, GA
January 6, 2007
Review and Photos By Lynda
(SugarBuzz Atlanta)
SugarBuzz Magazine
I’ve often wondered what “the first gig ever” is like. I know that if I was in a band and it was that day, I would probably wake up at the crack of dawn and start getting ready for it-out of excitement and nervousness. And when it came time for the very first (Atl-based local band) Love Rush gig, I found myself doing something almost exactly like that… despite how I’m not in the band, but my boys are. I’ve had tons of variations of “my boys”, but the brothers in this band, Erath and Sean, are as close to my heart as you can get: I watch out for and over them like a best friend, a sister, a mother, and (not literally) a girlfriend. I’m protective of them to the utmost and I have such strong belief in them as individuals and as part of this Love Rush band. So when Jan. 6, rolled around, I was up by noon and already changing outfits and shoes like I was a girl or something, and I figured the Old household was a mess of insanity. Yet when Sean called and I asked what was up and he said he was doing laundry… WHAT?! I wasn’t ready for that at all.

I tried to do normal things like going to CVS, but it didn’t work. I finally rushed over to their place and spent the rest of the day helping them make decisions, watching them do their hair and make-up (*flutter*, gawd that was HOT), and trying to help Erath figure out which meds to take (he had a bit of a cold). Then, after what felt like an eternity to me, we were off to Vinyl for load-in and sound check (I shot digital video of the first full song Love Rush played on a stage!) Then we all parted ways for a bit for food, alone time, whatever… Then it was back to the club, which was already starting to fill up.
My nerves were shot and I was excited as hell. I decided a few Captain & Cokes would do me good, but I forgot I hadn’t eaten all day (because of nerves), so I was pretty much drunk by the time they hit the stage…and they were first.

Erath (lead vox/guitars), Sean (bass/vox), drummer Mike, and (part time) guitarist/vox Dave hit the stage, and most of the girls in the joint flocked to the front like they were trying for the bouquet at their best friend’s wedding. More amusingly was their boyfriends trying to keep up with them. Yes, as shallow as it is, the eye candy in this band is overwhelming. But no guy in the place could try to play that off as being Love Rush’s only virtue because they put on an energetic show, and rocked as hard as infectious powerpop rockers can.
They did the rockier tunes found on their MySpace profile, plus a few other demo cuts, and an inevitable Cheap Trick cover (I say that cos it’s easy to hear how they’re a big influence on the band). Of course, this included the Love Rush gem “Do What You Want To”, which is one of the greatest powerpop rock songs ever written- and I dare you to go listen to that song on their profile and try to disagree with me.

Until this show, Love Rush’s only known existence was on MySpace. There are no CDs available to buy. It’s pretty much all been by word of mouth. Yet, the bulk of the crowd disappeared after they were done meeting & congratulating the guys in the band after their set (and no, that wasn’t because Spy or The Drownout were bad…it just seemed the support was for Love Rush that night). They left there slightly more accomplished-having won over new fans, having killed any doubts that they’re just something to look at, having gratified (I mean musically, pervert) their friends and family, and I was beyond damn proud.
Go to myspace.com/loverushmusic to check out their music and to keep up with news and show dates