Love Injections
Breakfast For Champions
By Lucky
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Love Injections have taken yet another step towards rock perfection with this 2006 6-song release entitled Breakfast for Champions. I have been a fan and followed this bands career since inception and enjoy the fact that each new release shows growth and dare I say it, maturity.
Sporting some new members, Love Injections has held on to their early glam-style influences and twisted them up with classic rock and country roots flavors. In the mix are some down right tasty acoustic guitar finger picking good times that will have all you musicians sitting at home jacking riffs to your hearts content.
With a southern style twang intro ( Think Black Crows “Jealous Again”), and the trade-marked KJ Svensson howl, “Down & Out” launches a new era for the Swedish Bad Boys.
“Dead Weight” has a kick ass country rock drive, while still reflecting the early Love Injections sound. KJ has a real distinctive voice, that once you are familiar with, you can pick it out anywhere, anytime.
More in the style of previous Love Injections material is straight ahead rocker, “Dirty Green Black & Blue”. Crisp staccato guitar presentation, hot rauncy solo, driving Tobbe Rogbrant percussion and trademark Love Injections hooks abound.
A hand clapping good time awaits in the 1 minute and 14 second ditty entitled “Glad Handing Dandy” And what a dandy it is. Are you guys playing a dobro, or is the guitar just super twangy? I must find the source of the sound.
“Bittersweet Goodbye” plays like a lazy, ambling down the road sort of feel. A fond farewell and then whistling into the sunset captures the essence.
If your interest is peaked and you would like to check out this CD, go to the bands website and you can download it for free along with the cover artwork. Do it!