Love Hate
Club Vodka
Knitting Factory
Hollywood, CA
Feb. 24, 2007
Review & Photos By Lucky
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
They said it would never happen. Never say never fuckers. After 10 years since the last Love Hate hurrah, the original members of one of Hollywood’s finest came together to kick some serious ass at the renowned rock gathering know as Club Vodka. Immediate love and thanks go out to Julian Douglas (Mr. 80’s) for hooking SugarBuzz up and extending courtesies. Julian, YOU ROCK!
Tonight there were something like 23 bands playing on 3 stages, but I was there for one mission only. To see my old pals from the Hollywood backstreets do their musical magic once again. Like many others that gathered for the reunion show, I was there when we all were cutting our chops on the strip and slugging it out in the infamous clubs of Hollywood and beyond all those years ago. Seems like fucking yesterday.

I got there a tad early, so after check in, we went across Hollywood Boulevard and kicked it in a tiny pizza joint for some cheese and green. Then we went to the famous Grahman’s Chinese Theater and had a look see at some hand and foot prints in the cement. Quite a tourist spot, but fun for locals as well.
Time was moving forward but still allotted a moment for a quite puff before heading into The Knitting Factory. During drags I spotted Noele from N-Less Entertainment and just had to go meet her in person after many a business correspondence. My, you looked even more stunning in person I must say Noele.
The venture forth into the club was at hand and the place was packed with pep’s from all walks of life that have a common bond of the love of rock. (Yeah, and alcohol.) Three rooms harboring 23 or so bands playing their hearts out. But our claim had to be staked so into the main room and up to the front of the stage we go. Still having another hour or so till Love Hate, they didn’t go on till almost 1am; we held our ground as we were introduced to Culture Killers. (I will be posting a separate review of their set real soon.) I will tell you this much, you are going to love Culture Killer, as we did.

The wait was crashing to an end when the stage curtains were drawn and a movie screen was lowered from the ceiling enabling an intro Love Hate movie of sorts to play. Clips from the bands videos and live performances were projected in a surreal context. This achieved its purpose of building the anticipation and excitement of a packed house.
Finally the curtain opened and blazing guitar riffs from Jon E. Love, whom was still off stage, announced Love Hate’s return as Skid hit the stage with the famous Bud cross (for the first timers, a cross made of Budweiser beer cans) used so many a year ago. Doing his thing with the cross, Skid was fired up and then proceeded to grab his bass and get ready for action. Jon E. Love and Joey hit the stage and Jizzy Pearl raced out waving a huge battered American Flag. The band played some sort of intro piece and then broke into the hard hitting opening cords of “Black Out In The Red Room” Mayhem ensued.
When Jizzy opened his lungs with “So you’re going drinking tonight” 1000 plus Love Hate fans responded “It’s Party Time.” Fucking chills ran up and down my spine. Bam, I was transported back in time, but no wait, this is 2007 and Love Hate is fucking sounding as good, no wait even better, than way back when.
Love Hates attack plan was to play their first release, Black Out In The Red Room in entirety. Hugely grand in design, this was pulled off flawlessly and was history in the making. Thank God I was there.
Mr. Jizzy Pearl, whom has still been rocking professionally doing lead vocals for Ratt, looked fit and his vocals matched verbatim. “Rock Queen” had all the oomph, piss and vigor that filled the hallowed Whisky A Go-Go many a time over. “Let Me Eat Your Cookies”; damn right and there was a missy or two near me that fit the bill just right.

Now as fate would have it, I planted myself at the side of the stage that ended up being Jon E. Love’s side. There I was, smack dab right in the line of fire. Reversal of roles it seemed, because I will never forget playing with my old band No Name City at The Whisky. There standing right in front of me watching every move I made was Jon. Fuck, was that intimidating. I am sure this time no intimidation took place as Jon was on fucking fire. He was wild, crazed and mega disheveled. Blazing fret work from an under appreciated rocker. Hey, somebody buy Jon strap lock!
So “Tumbleweed” tumbled by, killer, and then “Why Do You Think They Call It Dope” shook the very foundations of the venue. Skid, whom has stated on the Love Hate web site that he hadn’t played his bass in something like 7 years, brought out the funk in a big way. Possessed by the gods I think, or at least the Bud cross. Whatever the case, Skid you kicked ass.
Drinking all night will cause anybody to need some “Fuel to Run” when the party must keep on keeping on. Nice to meet you fifth. Vocal gymnastics courtesy of Jizzy. What a rush.

“One More Round” and “Angel” hit hard. And speaking of hitting hard, Joey still has the power punch on the kit. Solid and strong, Joey delivered the back beat and then some. Kicking.
“Mary Jane”, homage to the sweet leaf, was fired up. If fact some was fired up right before the band hit the stage as the unmistakable aroma wafted. Jon E. Love tore apart his San Dimas era Charvel. I have one just like his, but mine is red and instead of the Floyd Rose whammy on Jon’s, I have a Kahler. Cool.
Screeching into anything but a halt, “Straight Jacket” had the crowd in a frenzy of fits in the air and resounding approval. Infectious and addictive. Yeah, “Put your straight straight jacket on!”
Standing next to me there was this cute demure girl whom lit up when Love Hate hit the stage. And the transformation was complete when the band rocked “Slutsy Tipsy” and “Slave Girl”. I think she was hot, ready and willing. Stand behind me Satan. Wood ensued.

The catchy “Hell, CA Pop. 4” shuffled into our hearts. Just who was having more fun, the band or the assembled fans, I am not sure. I think the energy that filled the room channeled between the musicians and audience causing some sort of euphoric elation that can only be experienced. Magic.
After a quick guitar give away, Love Hate ended the night with off the hook renditions of "Spinning Wheel" (always a favorite of the stripper chicks that came to The Rainbow) and “Wasted in America”. It was well after the 2 o’clock hour and that was as they say that.
Whit my ears ringing and Love Hate playing in my mind, I stumbled out into the night to once again make that dreaded trip back to the mansion on the hill. Wasted in America again.

Now if you missed this show, kick yourself in the ass. The show was sold out, and I hear they had to turn away hundreds at the door. However you fuckers have one more chance to see Love Hate live. March 24th, at the Galaxy Theater in Santa Ana, CA. Better get your tickets now.