Dino Kourelis
‘Heavy Crown’
By Stephanie D. Jimenez
(SugarBuzz Los Angeles)
Photo images by Nancy Mantick bbephotography.com
SugarBuzz Magazine
The Lovehammers continue to demonstrate why they are one of Chicago’s paramount modern rock bands, with the release of their fifth full length album entitled ‘Heavy Crown’ on July 21, 2009.
Teaming up with producer Marti Frederickson, who has worked with such artists as Aerosmith, Buckcherry, Pink, Faith Hill, Papa Roach; ‘Heavy Crown’ presents the unparalleled work of Marty Casey (Vocals), Billy Sawilchik (Guitar), Dino Kourelis (Bass), Bobby Kourelis (Drums).
Released on the bands own record label known as REEP Records (with distribution through Fontana/INgrooves), this album features 11 new tracks and 3 bonus tracks.

New tracks that fans can look forward to listening to include, ‘Guns’, ‘Your Time My, My Time’, ‘Find Your Way’, ‘Honest I’ll Wait’, ‘Oh My Baby’, ‘Loaded’, ‘Heavy Crown’, ‘That’s Life’, ‘Black Angel’, ‘Never Fall’, and ‘Driving Blind’.
Bonus tracks that may also be found on the album are, ‘Velvet’ (Live Acoustic), ‘Eyes Can’t See’ and ‘Juniper Bill’.
The diversity of the tracks on the album are very well balanced. Two of my favorites tracks are ‘Heavy Crown’ and ‘Neverfall’.
‘Heavy Crown’ being the albums title track, is an emotional piece whose melody and lyrics stir deep emotions. The first time that I listened to it, I recalled my Grandfather passing on and having been by his side trying to ease his fears as he let go. Emotionally it was difficult to remember that time, but hearing “Walk into the light / It will be ok / There will come a day - We will reunite...” offered unexpected comfort to those feelings. Truly a brilliant piece, that is haunting.
Having faced many challenges throughout the years, the track ’Neverfall’ could easily be considered the Lovehammers anthem. It is an all out, in your face song, that refuses to back down or be taken prisoner. And as the line goes “ No we'll never, no we'll never fall / Down, like we're supposed to...” and knowing this band I believe that that is the truth. They shall never fall!

I was given the opportunity to ask Dino Kourelis, one of the creative forces within the Lovehammers a few questions regarding their new release, what to expect from this hard hitting album and a little about the bands own record label.
The current album entitled "Heavy Crown" originally started out as "Let Me Out"... a long time project started out by you. Obviously, it has undergone some very dramatic changes within a short period of time. What inspired the band to create an entirely new album in within a few short months?
Dino Kourelis: “When the idea for ‘Let me Out’ was created, most of the band hadn't even spoken to each other in 6-7 months. Once we all re-connected, we decided that if a new record was going to be put out, then we wanted it to be all new music. We will save the ‘Let Me Out’ idea for a later time.....”
What makes this album different from those you have released in the past?
Dino Kourelis: “We have grown as musicians and songwriters for this album, and that continued growth has given us the confidence to try new things and take more chances. We are proud to have created our best album to date, and look forward to trying to top it!”

What was the creative process for everyone involved in putting this album together?
Dino Kourelis: “This album was written, recorded, mixed in a few months, so the creative process was rather hectic. Some songs were old that we had never finished, so we finished them, and updated them. Other songs were brought in as ideas, and the band jammed together to finish them, and there were a couple that were pretty much done that just needed some finishing touches and production. The great thing about this album is that many parts were literally created as we were playing them live, so there is a fresh, spontaneous vibe to a few of the songs.”
If you could select one track out of all of those on this release that holds a special meaning to the band, which one would that be and why?
Dino Kourelis: “ ‘Heavy Crown’ is a beautiful song that I think everyone should listen to. It is a very powerful story about losing someone you love and letting go....”
Anything you creatively wish in retrospect, that you would have done differently on this album?

Dino Kourelis: “There are a million things that we would do differently. The trick is to finish the album and just move on. If you try to sit there and nit pick everything, you will never finish, and eventually drive yourself crazy. Rock-n-roll is not supposed to be perfect, and too many bands ruin great songs by over thinking, over producing them.”
Tell me a little about REEP Records and what creating this label means to you as an artist in the Music Industry?
Dino Kourelis: “REEP RECORDS stands for Record Executives Everyday People. The basic concept is to basically have true music lovers and fans of the bands make some of the most important decisions - such as single releases, videos, touring, etc. The model for "Traditional Record Labels" has been broken for sometime, and times are changing. Bands are getting smarter, and taking more control of their lives and careers. Musicians have been following these unwritten rules for 100 years. We have been taken advantage of for so long, it is refreshing to see bands finally starting to make a change. We think what we are doing is rather revolutionary, so we hope more bands either join us, or do similar things. For many years music was run by people in fancy offices in tall buildings, and we are trying to bring it to the streets - to the real experts - the fans!”

What does the future hold for the Lovehammers and all of the fans of this amazing band?
“Dino Kourelis: We will have a radio campaign starting very shortly, and hope to see everyone on the road. This is a grassroots adventure for us, so we need everyone’s help to get the word out!!!!”
If any band can supersede in this “grassroots adventure”, then it is without a doubt the Lovehammers.
Encompassing previous works such as ‘Marty Casey & Lovehammers’ (2006), ‘... and the rest is history’ DVD (2006), ‘Merry Christmas (All Year Long)’ (2006), ‘Murder On My Mind’ (2003), #1 Billboard debuted ‘Live Raw’ DVD (2004), ‘L’Strange ‘(2000), ‘How We Live EP’ (2001), ‘Demolition EP’ (1999), ‘Ultrasound’(1997), the Lovehammers continue to prove that hard work and unwavering determination is in their blood as much as the unyielding passion for creating music!
Selling out packed venues and maintaining the support of a massive fan base, this band is a first class act, whose talent has only just begun to flourish.
Opening for such acts as the Plain White T’s, Interpol, Nickleback, Jerry Cantrell, New Found Glory, and Cake and Gomez; the Lovehammers continue to gain the momentum of an unstoppable freight train!
‘Heavy Crown’ is truly one of the best works that I have heard in a long time and I would recommend for all the Lovehammers fans and those who just enjoy listening to great music. It is all about what rock music should be... simple, pure and felt to the soul, with every electrifying riff and ever heartfelt lyric.
Heavy Crown tracks...

1. Guns
2. Your Time, My Time
3. Find Your Way
4. Honest I'LL Wait
5. Oh My Baby
6. Loaded
7. Heavy Crown
8. That's Life
9. Black Angel (not gonna be the one)
10. Neverfall
11. Driving Blind
12. Velvet (live acoustic mix)
13. Eye's Can't See (live acoustic mix)
14. Jupiter Bill