Local Boys
Decoder Records-2005
By Christopher Duda (SugarBuzz Toronto)
SugarBuzz Magazine
The Local Boys are carnivores. They will devour you like a grilled T-bone steak and spit the clean bones back at you with a smile. They are fine musical butchers at subtly blending many styles and thus creating a juicy, meaty output. Something to sink your incisors into and rip to shreds while the meaty substance fills your belly and the warm blood drips down your pig like chin. Mmmmm, totally satisfying!
Hailing from Sweden, these gents are swimming against the tide of Hellacopter wannabe garage bands that still seem to be holding strong in that country. Local Boys have elements of The Soundtrack of Our Lives, early Supergrass, and little Jarvis Cocker “Pulp” like annunciation.

If you want to stretch it a bit further, elements of The Cure’s guitar work can be heard throughout this release. With the success of The Soundtrack of Our Lives in North America, it would not be a far stretch of the imagination to see the Local Boys following in on their coat tails and creating their own fan base on this side of the world.
If the above-mentioned bands are your fix, I suggest you take a dose of the Local Boys pills.