Good Man Down / Lit
The Limelight
Nashville, TN
21 Oct 2008
Text & Pixs by Lynda
(SugarBuzz Atlanta)
SugarBuzz Magazine
When you mention the band ‘Lit’, the last thing I think is ‘country’. Yet there, tucked in the midst of three country bands/performers in a country bar called The Limelight in the city best known for country music-Nashville, TN- was our “Ziplock” boys rockin’ their eyeliner, spiked hair, and tireless rock radio hits.

It was a weird line-up: Good Man Down, Jamey Johnson, Lit, and Randy Houser. I’ve never heard of ½ of those because they’re straight up country. I don’t completely dislike country, but I don’t hunt for it, either. Occasionally, however, a country rock crossover will catch my attention- as does Good Man Down. Of course, it helps that Lit bassist Kevin Baldes and former Lefty members (one of the best defunct bands you’ve never heard of) Dennis Hall and Kenny Livingston (who is also in Sugarcult) are in the band.
Team them with amazing guitarist Steve Garvy and rhythm guitarist Kyle Homme, and you get a country southern rock band with occasional rockgawd guitar solos, mean slide guitar, catchy choruses, and toe tapping beats-although those toes might don a cowboy boot instead of chucks... And that’s how the night began. A few people gathered not nearly close enough to the stage for GMD, but it didn’t matter because they chinned up and gave it 100%. It was hard to see such a great band not getting the attention they deserve in a city that’s best known for that scene. They may not be exactly my “bag”, but I welcome a change from my ‘norm’ as long as there’s talent behind it, and Good Man Down is a talented bunch of motherf…… (myspace. com/goodmandownrock)

My roommate and I drove 4+ hours to see Lit and to check out Good Man Down, and I would do it again for GMD even if Lit wasn’t playing. Yeah. They were that good!
Good Man Down opened. Then Jamey Johnson played. I’m not sure if he was good or not. I suppose he is. And I almost feel bad for not paying closer attention, but I was stoked to be seeing the Lit and Lefty guys again, and was so anxious to see Lit play I coulda peed! All I know was it felt like he played FOREVER. But finally it was time for Lit. (myspace. com/litlounge)
When Lit hit the stage, the floor area in front of the stage became a seamless mass of bodies, but was nowhere near being as packed as it should have been. This was obviously not a Lit show (Randy played afterwards, but we had already left). Nonetheless, their electricity filled the room and for a few blessed moments, the rock was brought. It felt like a secret show that only a few special people were in on.

They played stuff off of their latest release “Lit”, and some of the hits: “Ziplock”, “Lipstick & Bruises”, “Happy in the Meantime”, “My Own Worst Enemy”, everyone’s favourite sing-a-long “Miserable”, and an Elvis Costello cover. Somehow, no matter how many times I’ve heard these songs, they never get old. And if the guys are tired of playing them (and you know they are sometimes), you can’t ever tell it… Luckily the on/off stage adrenaline rush overshadowed the absolute heartbreak from the absence of drummer Allen Shellenberger (who is thankfully still with us while suffering from a brain tumor).

Lit bade us farewell with their signature rock pyramid, and left us pumped and wishing for more. Which is the way any rock show (even when it’s in the middle of a country show) should be…