The Last of the Bad Men
Nowhere is Safe…
D.H.D Records Division-2006
By Christopher Duda
(SugarBuzz Toronto-home of the worlds largest phallic symbol)
SugarBuzz Magazine
You got the knife and they have the gun
C’mon, boy “The Last of Bad Men” are going to have some fun.
Dirty, filthy, nasty, heavily tattooed, hard drinking, shit kicking; shady characters from the back alleys of life. Exploding Fuck Dolls fuelled by switchblades, gangsters and tumbleweed flying jet high with Radio Birdman. Deniz Tek’s trigger-happy double barrel shotgun piercing your eardrum with hot lead. No nonsense, no frills, all thrills, some pills, and documented kills.

Same arm, different vein, as Duane Peters and the Hunns or New York City’s urchins-The Bully’s. Bursting out the speakers like a wild mustang frothing, gnarling and ready for vengeance. Those who vilify The Last of the Bad Men are fitted with concrete shoes. Rejoice and spread the word. Cavort with these fine lads and you shall be rewarded with life.
*Please note The Last of the Bad Men have not killed anyone or do they condone the act of murder. It is not safe to play with handguns or feed your pet contaminated pet food. Please act responsible and don’t believe all you read. The Press lies.