Kenny Price
By Lucky
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Rock n Roll poster boy Kenny Price has had an illustrious career doing what most people can only obtain in fantasy. Migrating to Hollywood and rocketing to fame fronting the sensational smash Blackboard Jungle, Kenny has left a permanent impression on the musical landscape of the late 80’s, nineties, the 2000’s and beyond.
His exploits are the stuff of legend. The parties, the women, a veracious appetite for all things illicit, all the while creating some of the best damn rock around.
Kenny’s longevity can be contributed to the fact that he is a master of re-creation, as when he launched Jet 68 into the stratosphere and beyond. Jet 68 was one of those bands that should of, would have, and could have been the biggest and the best, but had to settle on being mainly a Hollywood treasure.
These days you can find Kenny plying his wares with the punk and roll cover band, No Thanks. They have released a smidgeon of original material, but are most noted for their raucous renditions of punk rock classics.
And Blackboard Jungle fans mark their calendar the first weekend of every June as Kenny and the boys pick up like they never left off, with the annual Blackboard Jungle reunion show.
I run into Kenny from time to time, usually on a late night binder like ghosts passing through the night. On one such a recent occasion we were both coherent enough to have ourselves a little chat. And so it goes.
It has been a while since I have last seen your sorry ass. What’s new in Kenny’s World?
Still doin it, yep, rockin, workin, trying to survive, and having a great time doin it.
How did the last BBJ reunion show go? Death null or see you next year?
BBJ was awesome this year, a little fuzzy to remember but we had Swinging Thing, Phil Lewis from LA Guns, Jeff Schroder from Smashing Pumpkins and Hung Jury, then David Lee Roth, Joe Perry and Tommy Lee were probably not there, Good times
Speaking of BBJ, can you tells us some band exploits that should go down in rock and roll history?
Just something bout Britt almost Corn-holing Zink on a bet. Didn’t happen but alot of chicks got a great show.
What was Japan like?
We had a blast in Japan, I miss it.
Will Jet 68 ever rise up from the ashes to rear its ugly head?
I would love to do a gig and play the Superqueen record top to bottom, we'll see...
Which way does the wind blow?
The wind does blow?
Let’s talk No Thanks. Who’s in it this week? Any new original material going to see the light of day? What is the “Real” story behind the departure of bassist Jamie Scrap?
This week is uh, Johnny, Kevin, Joel (From MK3), Paul (MK3) and bassist Joe. The NEW 2 Song No Thanks album "This is Why I Drink" is set to hit I-Tunes any minute now. Ya know I do not know why Jamie (who is still one of my brothers), left the band. He seems happier tho. I love that fucker.

What is your earliest rock and roll memory?
Rockin my Tennis Racket to Kiss!!!!
What’s it like rolling out of bed and seeing The Sunset Strip each morning?
I fucking love living here, It never gets boring, ever.
Best or worst adventure on Hollywood Blvd?
In 1989 I worked at Penguins Yogurt on Hollywood Blvd, I was walking home and some bum was just blowin diarrhea right on the sidewalk in front of me. Fucking nasty.
What’s your favorite strip joint?

Used to be Crazy Girls circa 1995/1996, Porns now cheaper.
Favorite breakfast food?
Beers great on a vacation day, come to think of it I don't really care for breakfast.
If you could bring back one long gone rock venue, what would it be and why?
The Coconut Teazer!!! Hotdogs, Tacos, Fishbowls of beer, great people.
Do you own a car or do you just bum rides?
I own.
Who was that blonde I saw you with in the Rainbow bathroom?
That was me in the Mirror.

Favorite sexual position?
The one where I get to Cum!!!!
What do you think is your deep rooted reason for wanting to live a rock and roll lifestyle?
It feels so good being bad.
What is currently in your CD player?
Umm, my Ipod is playing Ave Maria.
Why is it that to this day you still have legions of female fans that get wet at just the mention of your name?
I'll give you $20 for that later, sweet!!!!

Any favorite local bands you care to mention?
I miss a bunch of them.
Will Kenny Price live forever?
I'm already 208 years old, you never have seen me in the sun lite, have you?
Any last words to the zillions of SugarBuzz Magazine readers?
I hope everyone keeps picking up what I'm puttin down, I love You!!!!