John Wilkes Booth
Sic Semper Tyrranis
By Lynda
(SugarBuzz Atlanta)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Long Island, NY, is the 17th most populated island in the world- even more than Ireland and Jamaica. And amongst it’s roughly 5,470 people per sq mile, are 4 dudes named Kerry, Jason, Harry, and Christian. And together, they form the band John Wilkes Booth… you know, named after that guy who offed Honest Abe. And speaking of offing, that’s what this band will do to your socks… if you like that dirty, gritty, garage rock sound.

Imagine a toned down Rage Against the Machine, if you will. They’re not as angry, political, or “metallic”, but they have that grinding guitar chords, smacking bass, and thick drum sound. They could easily be an early SubPop band, but they aren’t.
John Wilkes Booth reminds me of the 1990s Minneapolis “metal” scene- the likes of Janitor Joe, Hammerhead, Arcwelder. I can hear the Melvins and Sebadoh influence. And strangely enough, I hear The Who at times as well- especially in “Smack for Larry”.
Their debut full-length release titled “Sic Semper Tyrannis” is stoner rock/punk/grunge/garage/metal for the masses. The fact that they have opened for bands like Atlanta’s own “experimental/psychedelic metal” bands Zoroaster and Doomsayer- well, I know a shit ton of doomy redneck stoner rockers who will automatically give these guys the thumbs up. They are raw, yet they are tight.

Sadly, I can only handle so much of this kind of stuff in one sitting. I prefer to listen to “Sic Semper Tyrranis” in two sets- listening to the newer material first, and the last 4 songs that are from their original EP at a different time. Nonetheless, John Wilkes Booth has a subtle hint from the past mixed with the underground sound of now that is a welcomed change from the cookie-cutter radio crap of today.