J. Geils Band
Best Of The J. Geils Band
By Geordie Pleathur
(SugarBuzz USA)
SugarBuzz Magazine
I'll share a trade secret with all you cats from young bands like Prima Donna, the Adjusters, the Biters, Red Invasion, and Barroom Angels, seein' as how it's lookin' less and less likely that I'm ever gonna make another eleventh hour return to the stage. With each year, my gut hangs further out, over my KISS belt buckle. I'm too sad and fat and washed up to rock. So here it is: if you're a front man, you gotta make careful study of Peter Wolf. Whenever I ran outta moves, or was intimidated by an audience of boisterous biker hellions, drunken skin-heads, jealous jocks, and hardcore fist fighters, way back in my crazy days, as the lead vocalist for a long line of bozo punk and glam bands you never heard of... I'd just imagine I was Peter Wolf, and win 'em all over, in an effortless blur, of from the heart gospel testimony, and waltzin', waxin', and wanin', and wowin' 'em, with my microphone stand. Those dudes in J.Geils were white pimps from Worcester. The American Rolling Stones, or something. Talk about a party. This was the kind of band I failed at putting together, year after year, after year. 'Course...I made lotsa mistakes along the way---started bands with crazy, self-destructive kooks. Other times, I squandered time and money with show-biz mercenaries who wanted to polish the soul and feeling outta every take. Social climbing girlfriends, dangerous associates, control freaks. It's a rough business. I don't really miss it all that much, no more, but every once in awhile, when I hear a record album like the "Best Of J. Geils Band", I long to entertain the people, again.
My much younger girlfriend asked me if this was the Blues Brothers, or the MC5. Ha. J. Geils had soul. I miss 'em. The Black Crowes only like to imagine they ever wrote a song as good as, "Angel In Blue". I feel bad whenever I think about the great Peter Wolf, being trotted out by that phony hack parasite, Kid Rock, to legitimize his transparent careerist plagiarism. I met Peter Wolf once, but my ex guitarist instantly made inappropriate overtures towards Aimee Mann, his girlfriend, at the time. Just my luck. I got a lot of stories like that. What an awesome band. Almost as good as the Fleshtones. I'm jes sayin'...Bein' as how it's almost summertime, and all...Doot doot dootalay doot....Doot doot dootalay doot....