Alex's Bar
Long Beach, CA
April 2, 2006
By Lucky (SugarBuzz Hollywood)
Photos by Lucky
I had been waiting for Ironhead to blow into town for quite some time now. Hollywood was not on the stop so I had to opt for a trip down the old 710 to the land of The Queen Mary. I figured about an hour, but doing around 95 got me there in record time.
On the horn was Ironhead bass player Angela Foxx, giving me tips on finding the joint and what was in store for parking. Also she informed me that I was good to go on the list. Thanks Angela!

Fearing a poor turn out, I was shocked to see the line warped around the parking lot. (I sure misjudged South Bay rockers, the show sold out and people were actually turned away!) But no worries, I got in the back of the line and puffed down a few while I waited. It is fun standing in line and ease dropping on other rockers conversations. They talk about some really interesting stuff. Guess if someone had gone with me then others could have ease dropped on us. But no, I was flying solo.
After what seemed like a fucking eternity to get in the club (what were they doing, strip searching everyone at the door?), I was finally in and on the hunt.
The first person I recognized was Johnny Sonic, lead vocal and guitar slinger for Ironhead. The came Angela and Mark Metal (Ironhead thunder). We all had a nice chat and Angela thrilled me with stories of the bands show the previous night. Seems at the Huntington Beach show, Angela had a wee bit too much to drink and preceded to perform in just a tiny g-string. Damn, would have like to see that! Rats!
Any event, it was time for Ironhead to take the stage and in grand style they did. I was in the direct line of fire of Johnny’s Mesa stack and I amply got my head seared off. Oh yeah!
Blasting into opener “She’s So Evil”, Ironhead unleashed bound up fury in huge abundance. The mostly black clad, mega pierced and tattooed audience took note. Some new thugs were in town.
Following the Livin’ Like We Wanna Die CD line up (reviewed here), “She’s So Evil” blazed the trail for a crunching version of “Broken Heart, Broken Bones”. Relentless in assault, Ironhead’s delivery showed no fucking mercy. Banshee like backing vocals by Angela fit the bill.
I always love a few surprises when I see a show, and this show’s surprise included unfamiliar territory to my ears in the form of crusher “Planet Trash“. Relentless mayhem ensued. Ironhead’s plan was obvious, hit them fast and hit them hard

Next up was the ultra slick package entitled “Ironhead”. Johnny’s Les Paul was on fire and his wails of madness provoked thoughts of balls out onslaught.
A sped up “Hotwired” was next, intentional or just the adrenalin, this faster pace kept the momentum keeping on.
Mark Metal was on fire during “Devastation Blues”, as the snare and kick just penetrated the chest cavity. Thump Thump Thump.
Ironhead just kept cranking out the jams with “Hard Man To Please” and “Out Drinkin’ Again”. Two songs that a man like me can identify with!
In a lighting second I was humbled as Johnny yelled into the mike. “This one goes out to Lucky!” then launched into my ultra favorite Ironhead song “Lost And Found”. (Ok who told ya Johnny? Oh that was me wasn’t it!) That so fucking rocked!!! Talk about a rock and roll moment. Ace!
And speaking of rock and roll moments, you should have seen the crowd eat up “Crying Shame” thanks in part to the lava hot lead work by Johnny. A winner every time!
Extra special guest, Larry from The Candy Snatchers, joined forces with Ironhead for two last numbers that were all out punk rock nuggets. One was a Candy Snathchers classic, the other a tried and true punker.
Now I swear to you, Larry looks remarkably like Andy Serkis in his role of Smeagol in Lord of the Rings : Return Of The King, and his stage presence was forceful and one that commands attention. This guy just exploded like a ruffian let loose in a pub after his football team lost. Stomping and hollering, Larry sure made good show.
Sadly the set came to a close, but I got to spend some time hanging with the band before I hit the road. You guys all define the term “rockstars”.
Ironhead is still on tour so check their website to find out when they hit your area.