The Highschool Lockers
Never ending Party
Nicotine Records-2006
Christopher Duda (SugarBuzz Toronto)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Johnny Ramone: “Things sure have changed since we got kicked out of high school”. (Quote from Rock ‘N’ Roll Highschool)
The clocks of time turn slowly backwards creating warm memories of yesteryear. Remembering festering sweat socks from gym class lovingly growing different molds in the back of your beloved locker. Pictures of your rock and roll heroes line the inside of the encased tomb of time. Fondly pondering memories of getting your head bounced off the cold, uninviting metal time pod by a Neanderthal jock like creature. Ahhhh, high school full of cliques, freaks, and nerds. How I would love to go back. Oh, Auntie Em there’s no place like high school.
Yes, now you can turn back the seeds of time, with the new release by the Highschool Lockers. They will seep out of your speakers and slowly implode into the dark recesses of your past. Backstreet Matt lays down some impressive Thunder like licks that you swear your might be having your heartbroken (get the reference-Heartbreakers!). Andrew Tee Sweetheart and Brian lay down the backbeat convincingly enough; that you might even believe you are in NYC (and not Italy), hearing for the first time some hot show at Max’s Kansas City.

Got the vibe? Now dig deep into those worn Levi’s jeans and shell out for some tasty Ramone flavoured, topped with drug addled Heartbreakers and a healthy dose of classic Real Kids.