The Higher Elevations
Always the Same
Little Teddy Recordings-2004
By Christopher Duda
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
Band Photo By Danijel Sejdinovic
On the second day the clouds departed and the heavens opened up, giving a clear glance to Utopia. Elevating one’s self to a higher ground dripping in nirvana and bliss. Sightless white eyes stare blankly in self-imposed trance like states. The level of consciousness has risen amongst the efforts of “ The Higher Elevations” to bring the body, soul and mind as one entity escaping the cynicism of everyday life.
Wedged somewhere between Ravi Shankar and the Dali Lama perpetuating willful Zen like euphoria. Making music to make you feel like the pipe has been passed when in fact it is past.
The Higher Elevations have done just that with helping hands by Bjorn Olsson of The Soundtrack of Our Lives and guest guitar work from the god of Television fuzz-Richard Lloyd. At times they can sound similar to The Soundtrack of Our Lives however they distinctly have their own vision and this flows through the whole release.

Euphoric capitulations and scarlet fever inducing hypnosis. Think above your common headspace, draw out your demons, and let your brain swell through the transcendental vibrations of The Higher Elevations. Peter Perrett has risen.