Hello Stranger
Record Release Party
August 2, 2006
Safari Sam’s
By Bradley
(SugarBuzz Silverlake/ Downtown L.A.)
Photos By Juliett's Dad
I knew this was an Indie event so I expected a crowd, but when I drove up to Safari Sam’s, the Hello Stranger record release party was the largest turn out they’ve had since they opened their doors. Sam’s is one of the larger night clubs and usually has a pretty good sized crowd, but this was insane. I don’t think any other venue in the area could have dealt with it better than the staff did that evening. It’s always a blast going to Safari Sam’s and this was one huge party night.
With a quick introduction for Hello Stranger, the Lights went down and a solitary spotlight revealed vocalist Juliett making her way from the wings to center stage. Seated at her keyboard in dramatic fashion, she sang a delicate number that captivated the audience. At the last note of the prelude, the band kicked in and in a quick second, lime light flooded the stage and Hello Stranger kicked into full swing.

The show was high energy and the audience seemed to have got their money’s worth. There was this guy who dived off the stage and was carried above the pit area like it was a Black Flag show or something. When bodies are flying through the air at a gig, it says a lot don’t you think?
After giving the crowd a lengthy set, the band ended the evening by rocking the house with a Hello Stranger version of AC/DC’s Thunderstruck. Over all, this was one of the best performances I’ve seen lately and I see a lot of shows.
The sound is distinctly their own, Juliett’s dynamic vocal style is distinct and she plays a mean keytar synthesizer. Backing her up is Jared Nelson Smith who’s playing gives off the vibe that he could probably play just about anything on his guitar. Newest member bass man Ben Messelbeck showed his stuff and proved to be a good fit for the band. Putting it all together is the head band man and drummer Joachim Cooder son of Grammy Award winning Ry Cooder one of the finest guitarists and musicians of the last few decades. Joachim and the band are really making a name for themselves with Hello Stranger.

Their 13 song debut CD self titled ‘Hello Stranger’ is out on Aeronaut records and the band is currently on a nation wide tour supporting its release.
With all the elements Hello Stranger have going for them, it isn’t hard to see why the band is getting a lot of attention including the “next big thing” status from Spin magazine. Get the CD and see them live for yourself, this is a tight unit and they’ve delivered a solid performance every time I’ve checked them out.