The Headstones
7” S/T (1986)
By Lucky
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Not to be confused with the later Headstones from Canada, this band called The Headstones hailed from the 80’s Australian underground scene. Their career was short lived and some in the know say that the band may have shot their wad, or at least the best part of it on this best foot forward single release on Waterfront Records.
A killer combination of super catchy guitar hooks, attitude right off the strip ala ’66, hard edged commercialism and a bully lead vocal track to die for sent “When You’re Down” to the pinnacle of cool. Recorded at Studio 301, the ambiance surely rubbed off. A rumbling churner, think a harder edged Shondells. This out of the gate freshman product is a garage classic in the true sense of the word.
“All The Things You Do” is no brush off B-Side. Rivaling “When You’re Down” for the best of the batch, “All the Things You Do’ is what The Wonders wish they did in “The Thing You Do”. That a lot of do. The intro reminds me a bit of The Smithereens with Mark Lindsay (Paul Revere and The Raiders) behind the reigns. After that it’s a go-go Shangri-La. Big build up and mega craze tough.
This was not their last effort as The Headstones released yet another 7” in 1987 and a full 12” worth of material in 1988 both on Waterfront. I am on the hunt for those pieces of wax as I speak.