Haunted George
Bone Hauler
Deadbeat Records-2006
By Christopher Duda
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Sifting through the river the dusty miner persevered at the prospect of finding a morsel of a gem. Decrepit and worn with sand filled lungs the miner knelt in the riverbank. Clutching his weathered hands around his sifter he dug deep into the bed. Slowly pulling up his tray to discover a fist sized rock of gold. Upon closer observation with his well-trained eye it soon became apparent that this was no fools gold.
Off in the distance a lone figure stood then slowly descended down the embankment. Filled with dust and a large black hat pulled down over his eyes he walked steadily towards the prospector.
Upon reaching the prospector he brandished a long barreled pistol and shot the shocked miner between his tired beady eyes.

The miner had spent the better part of his life entertaining the thought of striking it rich only to encounter Haunted George and his thirst for wealth.
Der’s dem damn ghosts out der in da desert. Watch for the witches posing as ravens as well. Former Beguiled and Necessary Evils member weaves tales and tails of the lonely existence of living out in the desert. A one-man band blown favonian dusty swept sand dune. Scratching at your weathered pane like icy hollowed bones. Feel the unusual acuity only lived not borrowed. Songs for Hanging Lovers. A real neck breaker.