Guns N' Roses
Chinese Democracy
By Reb Sixxx
(SugarBuzz International)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Axl's New GnR...Nacho Ordinary Guns N Roses
Panic raced through me right before I gave this new CD a listen. Pure unadulterated terror. The GnR without the rest of the original line-up had me seriously worried. As I set the needle to the groove so to speak, I braced myself. Being there at the very beginning of Guns N Roses career, I had a very distinct category for them in my mind and this new CD had me very concerned. I needed lots of beer to gather my courage. Either this CD was going to totally suck, or it wasn't. No shades of gray here.
The first of 14 tunes was a song called "Chinese Democracy", named after the new album with the same title. I took a deep breath, turned my volume knob all the way up, and waited. The intro and first few notes was blatantly disappointing to me. I was crushed immediately. This was NOT the Guns N Roses I remembered from my youth. Thoughts of a poorly produced version of Queensryche's, "Operation Mindcrime" swept over me in a quick wave. What the hell was this?! As the song progressed though I found myself beginning to sway to it. Okay, maybe this wasn't so bad afterall. I forwarded through the song a bit and listened some more. Okay, yeah...cool chord changes, nice bridge. I could like this...maybe.

I moved to track 2, "Shackler's Revenge" and pressed PLAY. The first thing I noticed was Axl's voice being sung deep which I think is hot. Sure I like his falsetto screech, but this new deep voice was, for lack of better terms, "music to my ears". The thought of hot lusty sex crept into my mind and that's always a good sign for me. As the song cruised on, I found my foot was tapping, as was my hand on my thigh. Oh hell yeah. This song has definite potential. The rebel side of me though still wasn't convinced that this CD is actually worth buying.
I jumped to the third song, "Better" and I didn't know what the hell I was listening to at first. Was this a children's song? Stress raced through me and then the band kicked in and I suddenly relaxed. All the intros on this CD were disturbing me in ways and I couldn't quite understand it. The song had Top 40 written all over it to me at first. The guitar solo was blazing though which didn't quite fit the song, so again I was slightly confused. The breaks, the style changes...a good song overall but not one of my faves. It's more avandt-gard in nature which definitely has a place in the music world, but it's just not one I can listen to easily.
The next song was "Street of Dreams". I detest Power Ballads and jumped to Track 4, but then changed my mind and went back to listen to it fully. This song almost has an old Billy Joel style to it with remnants of "Sweet Child o' Mine" peppered through it. Nothing about this song truly stands out to me but I can see it being played to death by every cover band in the world. Gotta love the required "slow song" to get the people slow-dancing in the clubs. Time to grope, people. Get your asses out on the dance floor. Maybe you'll get lucky later.

Track 5, "If The World" caught my attention right away. I'm a die-hard closeted disco fan and I admit I love this song. The funk nature of this tune makes me wanna dance. I can already see myself drunk on tequila dancing alone on the dance floor, getting my naughty groove on. This is a very technically appealing song to me. The jazz and blues overtones are bad-ass and kept me begging for more. The flamenco guitar styling is perfectly suited to this song as is the old-style radio vocals in the bridge. Okay, this new Axl is growing on me like a sexy mold I don't mind wearing. This song definitely grabs me by the heart. Suddenly this album was grabbing more and more of my interest, too.
"There Was a Time" is track 6 and the angelic choral voices in the intro were an awesome beginning. I started to forget about the old GnR and found myself appreciating this song as "a song" as opposed to something that "doesn't sound like GnR". As the CD wore on, my attitude began to change in ways I didn't even think possible. Suddenly all that mattered was the music, not the comparisons. This song has wonderful minor/major key changes which to me is a sign of music perfection. The highs and lows in this song draw you in and you can literally feel the pain and happiness. I wonder what was going through his mind at the time that this was recorded. The song has angelic balls for sure. This is one Power Ballad I wouldn't mind groping someone on the dance floor to. Give it a listen and see if you agree with me.

"Catcher in the Rye" is song 7 and it's catchy and well-written. Almost Queen in nature, it's like a blend of 70's rhapsody and arena rock. I can see myself circa 1979 couple-skating to this song at the rollar rink. It's got a nice "roll" feel to it. Something I wouldn't mind listening to while driving along a lonely night highway, singing my lungs out. It's got a bit of a Beatles flair to it too. One of those feel good songs that just makes you want to hug random strangers.
And as track 8 came on, my heart stood still. "Scraped" was the GnR I remembered from so many days gone by. The excitement reverberated through my skull like a lit match to gasoline. I was suddenly up and out of my chair and jumping around the livingroom, as a scream saying "Fuck yesssssssssssss!" escaped my lips. This song is a future hit single FOR SURE. Dreams of snake skin boots, scarves hanging off mic stands, big hair, and smoking way too much pot had me reliving 1987 in a nano-second. I love this song from beginning to end and it's core to my music roots. If you don't like this song, you're fucking stupid. Please address all hate mail to lucky@sugarbuzzmagazine.com. Lucky would love to argue with you. Really.
Track 9 was the song that suddenly made me see Axl is a brand-new new light. "Sorry" is an extremely moving song. The lyrics are vulnerable and wreaking of raw truth. It's as if Axl reached deep inside of me and pulled out my most vicious pain and put it to music. As I listened, tears slid down my cheeks. Years of heartache bubbled to my surface and fell out of my eyes. Unless you were one of the few people that actually found The One on your first attempt at love, you will be able to totally relate to this song. I do not know what caused him to write this song but it's extremely painful. It's epic in nature and drills into your brain in an unending fashion. If you're in a great mood, steer clear of this song.

As "Riad N' The Bedouins" kicked in, the tears dried up and again I was in full rock mode. This song kicks ass. Plain and simple. Axl's shitty attitude is in full swing and this tune makes me want to go kick the whole neighborhood's asses. For the first time in my life I could understand what an amped-up, testosterone-laden, pubescent boy goes through. This song is nothing less than a deadly toxin to your nerve endings. If you're bi-polar, I suggested meds before even attempting to listen to this song. You have been warned.
Track 11 is "I.R.S" which gives no one in this country fond sentimental feelings. The song is obviously activist in nature and has anger running through it in a very charming way. Sarcasm 101. Gotta love it. It's more slow in nature but has dangerous overtones. I found myself hanging on his every note begging for more and getting it. The guitar is smokin' hot. "Deadly" is more accurate. A definite 2 Thumbs Up on this tune.
"Madagascar" followed and this too is a slower type song. Again, very epic in nature. A truly powerful song that defies gravity. This song too is filled with pain. Axl has obviously had a helluva ride the past 15 years. He was a kid in GnR. This song reveals the man he's become. The "Ministry" type bridge gels to my love of industrial music and I found myself cheering along. Never forget where the power of this country really resides--in it's people. Aces High, Axl. You make me proud.

Track 13 (my favorite number) is also my favorite song on the entire album. "This I Love" is excruciatingly passionate. The lyrics haunt me and energize me simultaneously. "So if she's somewhere near me/ I hope to God she hears me/ there's no one else could ever make me feel I'm so alive/ I hope she never leaves me/ please God you must believe me/ I'll trudge the universe/ and find myself within her eyes." Those words dig into me like nails on a chalkboard and cut me to the core. I can only think of the death of the woman that this song must have inspired. Nothing else could rip such horrific pain out of him. This song makes you suddenly appreciate everyone you know. Love is the medicine that heals all. Give it away by the truckloads. Please. It might be your last chance.
The last song on this long awaited album is "Prostitute". And it ends the CD beautifully. Another compassionate love song that isn't ordinary at all. So many of us love the "less than par" and songs simply aren't written about that sort of love. To be able to love someone for who they are regardless of the accessories in their box is True Love at it's finest. I applaud Axl for writing such a truly beautiful song that's uniquely different. I am impressed beyond words.
So that's the new CD. "Chinese Democracy" is a must-have for damn near every record collector out there. It has so many defining elements in it that it crosses all genres and everyone can find something truly inspiring about it. I am stunned by my own initial skepticism and rather narrow-minded attitude at the beginning of all of this. As a raging music fan I somehow got sucked in over time into the whole "Axl's a dick" general attitude out there. I am now ashamed of myself. I'm sorry, Axl.
The truth is I was stuck in a time warp and thinking that Axl was still the same stupid kid he used to be. And now, as I look down at my 41 year old body and think back to how I acted at 18, I am truly embarrassed. I am so glad that people have forgotten who I used to be and now they love me for who I am now. Axl being a public figure does not have that same sort of luxury. The public remembers him "Then" and didn't have a chance to see him in the "Now" until today.

Yes, his music has changed and rightfully so. He has, too. My 41 year old self that got burnt out on listening to GnR from the 80's has a new opinion now. After listening to the CD several times now, I can say I actually prefer this Guns N Roses to the GnR of my youth. In a symbiotic twist of Fate, Axl and I have both aged together, grown as humans together, and found the infinite wisdom that only aging can bring. He has no idea who I am but that doesn't matter. I know who he is and my life is bettered because of him. This new record has set me straight and given me new insight. Thought provoking music at it's very finest.
Thank you Axl for reminding me of what it is that you do. I bow to you for opening my eyes just a little bit wider.
Go buy "Chinese Democracy", people. It's worth every bloody red cent.
I'd like my Dr. Pepper now.