Lady Wreckless
By K.C. Slade
(SugarBuzz Monterey)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Welcome Ladies and Gents, The band I'm about to expose you to is going to rock your socks off; they're decadent, they're flashy and they're very talented.. JT Trash and Tyson Debutante took some time to share some stories and answer some questions about their band. Let the show begin!
K.C. Slade: I remember you were the Backalley Sluts, Why the name change?
Tyson Debutant: Fresh start and we wanted a new name; not so juvenile.
JT Trash: we have a new lineup that are all close friends that go way back. were a band and also a gang and we like to drink and shoot guns and were all fans of the old west myths, legends, billy the kid, doc holliday kinda stuff. It also evokes the spirit of some our fav bands johnny thunders and the heartbreakers, faces, replacements, dogs d'amour. hell we'll prob change it again before the record is out. some other names we were kickin aroung included lady heroine, six shot outlaws, bordello lust.
KCS: I like those names you just mentioned. I appreciate that your band keep things fresh, band-name wise. Keeps things fun and keeps us fans and journalists on our toes!

KCS: What other musical group(s) have inspired you over since you started playing?
Tyson Debutant: Jacobites, Tom Petty,
JT Trash: Selena Gomez (Disney upcoming star), classic Disney, Tin Pan Alley Pop / Great American Songbook and I'm deadly serious too.
KCS: Way to keep open minds! I have the Great American Songbook and it's so damn classic. You blew me away with the Selena Gomez one though, I'd take you guys for Demi Lovato fans instead... ( :
KCS: What's been your number one hit so far? Which song does the band prefer over all others?
JT Trash: A lot of the songs we have date are few years old.. some 5 or 6 years old. We have about 40 new songs in the works; I don't like any of 'em personally. I wish I would have wrote "Dracula's Lament".. "It's gettin kind of hard to believe..." haha.. What would you say Tyson?
Tyson Debutant: Pill Poppin' Suzie and Wasted Tears.
KCS: It's good to have pride and love what you do without being overly cocky..looks like you guys do!
KCS: Aesthetically (style wise) where do you draw inspiration from? You guys nail it pretty well.

Tyson Debutant: I draw inspiration from of course early glam, Hanoi rocks, Johnny Thunders, Dogs D'amour. I'm very into romantic settings, candles, velvet, popourri, Cathedrals..
JT Trash: Barbarella and Willy Wonka, the 80's band, "Japan", Gram Parsons, Prince, and the real golden age of Hollywood stardust, glitter and glitz, the real shit...30's, 40's Humphrey Bogart, Judy Garland, also Serge Gainsbourg. 17th century victorian clothin, purple suits and swashbucklers and cowgirls.. Tyson raids his moms closest for suitable window drapings he can sport too!
KCS: Wonderful answers! Gram has influenced so many people and the renniasance era was a very decadent one...you guys have some wicked style! And it takes a real man to throw Prince out there; the man is a musical genius.
KCS: What's the most bizarre thing to happen to you as a band? Weirdest show played? Eeirdest groupie encouter?
JT Trash: Bizarre: Tyson and I both have pending DWI's almost to the exact day 5 months apart- his 1st my 2nd. Kids at home if your paying attention we really do live up to our name; no off brands here. weirdest show: Hot Topic... we played to toddlers and 8 year olds. They were sayin stuff like "These guys suck!", and "Who are these guys?" And then there's my fave " I guess showin yer ass crack is the new style. We hauled our equip through Macy's and in typical Replacements style played almost no originals to get 'em spirred up. We drank out of our heads; I don't remember all we played, but some of the songs were "Purple Rain", "Great Big Kiss" with Darenda guesting on vocals, "Freebird", "If I Only Had A Brain", "The State I'm In", "Cat's In The Cradle", etc.

JT. Trash: Weirdest groupie encounter? Well Tyson is a virgin, so he really can't speak about groupie encounters, let's just say mine rival David Lee Roth... no more like Steven Tyler... all kinds of underage girls tryin to get there parents to sign them over as my legal guardian. You know, nothing too weird.
KCS: Oh yeah, no biggie on that one. Hahah!
Tyson Debutant: The weirdest show? The weirdest show I've played was at my old job at a deli shop. They saw I had brought my guitar to work because I had practice afterwards and the manager made me play inside of the restaurant for like 2 hours; it was the most embarrasing thing ever. Little babys were crying and everybody moved outside because it was so loud. Hahah!! And it's true, I am a virgin.
KCS: No shame in that at all. That's the freedom of choice. But how awkward for your manager put you up to all that; sounds straight up chaotic.
KCS: For one night, you can borrow any living musician from any band to guest with your band...who do you swipe and from where?
Tyson Debutant: Dave Kusworth (Jacobites, TV Eye, Ragdolls, Bounty Hunters, Tenderhooks, Dave Kusworth Group)

JT Trash: Mc Hammer because "Hammertime" would just go over so amazinginly! Sike! no contest: Keith Richards
KCS: I was going to say, Hammer would be a pretty interesting mix to that set, he's really mellowed out these days..I don't know how he and Keef would get along. hehhe!
KCS: Which one of your songs has the most meaning behind it? any songs written specifically about anyone or has a story behind it?
Tyson Debutant: "Dreamin Of Demi" about Demi Lovato, the Disney star from Dallas, TX. The song is a romantic tale about how much I like her, falling in love together and experiencing the world hand in hand.
KCS: I KNEW IT! I called that a few questions ago..she is defintiely a cutie. That sounds like a really sweet song too.
JT Trash: "Jade Roses In April" and "Sorrow". Both songs were written about someone close to me. Memories of love won and lost.
KCS: Sometimes, those make the best songs, the raw feelings and wear and tear it causes.
KCS: Anything in your discography you never want to hear again, or are you a band that actually doesn't mind listening to their own music..?

Tyson Debutant: I'm not a fan of anything from the Backalley Sluts' days, the songs are bland and really generic.
JT Trash: my 1st band i was 18.."Green Goblins": Fresh From The Grave. hyper-rare 7", only 300 pressed. Just to prove how much I wanted to wipe this off the plant I threw all copies I had in a dumpster one night by Franciso's so about 105 are still in existence. (all you collector nerds better jump on this now!) The upside to all this is when I'm famous but still broke, I'll be making a fortune off these records from my private stash when in a few years and I'll be able to retire.
KCS: Not a lot of musicians think about future economic security; that's smart you have a plan; JT.
KCS: What is your band's favorite band? Does it show in your songs or style?
Tyson Debutant: I don't think I could just choose one band. David Allan Coe.
JT Trash: Ditto, but main suspects would be Rolling Stones, Clash, Generation X, Hanoi Rocks, Replacements
KCS: I've handed you a blank check and said 'Put it towards the band' ....would you actually and what would you do with a large mass of money at your disposal to help the band?

JT Trash: I'd first blow most of it on Persian whores, then use the rest to cut an album and buy a van to tour in.
Tyson Debutant: The first thing I would do is go into the studio and cut a full length album, then build up a lot of promotional items, go on a world tour!
KCS: that's one wild blank check. I know not to send you one not, at least JT. hahaha! ( :
KCS: What kind of statement does the band ultimately want people to put out there?
JT Trash: "A killer band with killer songs and a killer image and attitude in the mold of the classic bands that we love with honesty, from the heart, accomplished songwriting that reflects our lives and worldview. We hope our music will be something people can relate to and identify with."
Tyson Debutant: "I don't want people to think were nothing but glam fags, yeah, we dress pretty and there will always be someone to say shit about that, but I've been into punk rock and everything else for many many years. I want people to see a collection of influences, we're not trying to write the same song over and over again. It's rock 'n roll."